624. Memorandum from Gordon Chase to McGeorge Bundy, February 261
- Cuban Coordinating Committee—Progress Report
Here are some of the latest developments.
1. American Prisoners: Bob Hurwitch tells me that Mr. Donovan spoke to Castro’s interpretor on Sunday and argued in favor of an early release of the prisoners. The interpretor was very encouraging and promised to call Mr. Donovan back in a day or two. Mr. Donovan hopes to go to Havana this week end.
2. The Brigade: Evidently the Brigade has been running into some snags recently. Among other things the enlisted men have complained that a Private’s pay is not enough to live on; they want a supplement from HEW (this problem is being worked on). Also there was a hassle about the recovery of Brigade files (this is solved now—the Brigade [Typeset Page 1625] has their files). A deeper problem is that the Brigade is apparently disintegrating. The No. 1 and No. 2 Brigade leaders are discouraged and frustrated—they cannot retain their discipline over the Brigade. They want to resign; the No. 1 Brigade leader told State people that he is mentally ill, has many personal problems and is unable to cope with Brigade problems. In effect the leaders have asked the U.S. to take over, (this is probably a good thing).
The Attorney General has been active in all this and met with Brigade leaders Monday. He is reportedly relaxed about the situation.
- Progress report of the Cuban Coordinating Committee. Secret. 1 p. Kennedy Library, NSF, Countries Series, Cuba, General, Vol. VII (B) 2/63.↩