492. Memorandum of NSC Executive Committee meeting by McCone, November 51
1. McCone reported on the intelligence report, summarizing CIA memorandum of 5 November, attached, with the deletion of Item 8 and the addition of Items 9 and 10. DCI included the NPIC summary and the status of their work as indicated—all Saturday’s flights and all low level flights on Sunday had been read out completely and the Sunday high level flights were in process. DCI also summarized the SAO daily report of significant changes dated 5 November, the Watch Committee report, and the special memorandum of comments on offensive missile strength in Cuba, SC 11157/62.
2. DCI also reported on the most recent Soviet nuclear test, the Soviet MARS probe and the satellite leaders visit to Moscow, per the attached notes.
3. The balance of the meeting was covered by pencilled memorandum attached.
4. The following actions are necessary:
a. The effectiveness of the inspection procedures and the U.S. government position on all other matters covered in McCloy report in telegram 1289 of 5 November, attached. This telegram to be analyzed in detail by State and a directive prepared; Cline should arrange for CIA’s views to be incorporated.
b. The question of reciprocal UN inspection was raised, the President feeling that if Cuba agreed to UN ground inspection they might rightfully demand inspection of refugee facilities in the United States, Puerto Rico, and elsewhere. CIA was questioned as to the consequences and our views must be developed.
[Facsimile Page 2]c. Effective safeguards covering the future introduction of missiles and other offensive weapons into Cuba must be considered. In this connection the continuation of the SAM sites as a shield should be considered.
d. The President requested an evaluation of the report out of Vienna.
e. Question raised as to the detection of the removal of warheads using black boxes and other means.
[Typeset Page 1352]5. Following the meeting in a private discussion with the President, he made three points.
a. CIA should as a matter of standard practice interrogate every public statement of a refugee to determine authenticity of statement and issue a memorandum which could be used by appropriate people for government comment.
b. The President authorized DCI and others to meet with Mr. John Dille of LIFE to discuss his article which will include a great amount of refugee comment. Mr. Dille is to come to the building at 3:00 o’clock and then to call on the DCI at his residence this evening.
c. The President requested a review of raw intelligence in the hands of the entire community and the extent to which it, if properly evaluated would have permitted a more accurate forecast of developments we have witnessed.
- Overflights of Cuba; inspection procedures; reciprocal UN inspections. Top Secret. 2 pp. CIA, DCI (McCone) Files: Job 80–B01258A, DCI Meetings with the President, Box 6, 1 July 1962–31 December 1962.↩