491. NSC Executive Committee record of action, November 51
1. Mr. McCone presented the intelligence summary, including a comparison of our estimate of the number of Soviet missiles and missile sites in Cuba with figures given by Soviet representative Kuznetsov to Mr. McCloy yesterday.
2. Secretary McNamara reported on the aerial reconnaissance missions of yesterday and those planned for today. The President authorized specific high level and low level flights for today. It was agreed that there would be no release today to the press of either pictures or information obtained from yesterday’s flights.
3. There was a discussion of policy questions raised during the McCloy-Kuznetsov conversations yesterday. Among these are: a permanent UN presence in Cuba, including the possibility of some UN inspection in the U.S.; the continuance of U.S. or UN aerial reconnaissance flights; the elimination of the IL–28 bombers from Cuba; the guarantee that no Soviet submarine base will be established in Cuba; and the relationship of a system to guarantee that Soviet missiles will not be reintroduced into Cuba to the implementation of the conditional U.S. pledge not to invade Cuba.
4. A cable will be sent to McCloy giving our answers to questions raised by Kuznetsov. A final U.S. position is to be prepared following a report on the Mikoyan-Castro talks.
5. The President scheduled the next Executive Committee meeting at 5:00 PM Tuesday.
- Aerial reconnaissance missions; McCloy-Kuznetsov discussions at UN. Top Secret. 1 p. Kennedy Library, NSF, Meetings and Memoranda Series, Executive Committee, Meetings, Vol. II, Meetings 17–24.↩