109. Circular telegram CA–73 to certain American Republic posts, July 181
Dept’s CA–73.
USG considers Ecuadorean Junta has demonstrated ability retain effective control, has restored most essential civil liberties, has given satisfactory assurances re acceptance of international obligations and desire carry out AFP. Major remaining point which US would like to have in hand is public statement by Junta indicating intention return to civilian government via constitutional procedures within approximately one year, thereby not departing significantly from previously scheduled elections in June 1964 and following basic Argentine and Peru time schedules. However USG will not extend recognition until at least several other Latin American countries have done so. You may indicate foregoing in consultations with host government.
- U.S. withholding recognition new Government in Ecuador until junta indicates intention to return to civilian government and several other Latin American countries have recognized Ecuador. Confidential. 1 p. Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Countries Series, Ecuador, July to November 1963.↩