107. Telegram 17 from Quito, July 111
Emergency. Action Department 17; Information Bogota 3, Lima 2, Guayaquil Unnumbered. Department please pass to US CINCSO for POLAD, also ACSI and AFCIN. RE telecons with Belcher.
Pressure building in military for replacement Arosemena culminated today in announcement by chiefs three armed services of Arosemena’s ouster and formation of military junta. Five-man junta includes Navy Commander Captain Ramon Castro Jijon, Army Commander Colonel Luis Cabrera Sevilla, Air Force Commander Lt Colonel Guillermo Freile Posso, Armed Forces Senator Colonel Marcos Gandara Enriquez who also head of War Academy, and Colonel Santiago Morochz, Subsecretary of Defense. Proclamation, issued by junta at 3:30 PM, stated objectives of change are to crush communism and end terrorism, carry out constitutional and structural reforms, and put into effect social and economic reforms. Proclamation also placed country under martial law, prohibited strikes and demonstrations, and suspended constitutional guarantees. Text of proclamation sent separately.
Following a period of uncertainty, during which President holed up in Presidential Palace with support of Presidential Guard, presumably awaiting the effect popular pro-constitutional demonstrations in Guayaquil and hopefully in Quito, President [Facsimile Page 2] finally convinced, during visit of three armed services chiefs, to relinquish his office to junta and leave for airport where he flown out at twilight to either Cali or Panama.
Info regarding pro-constitutional reaction sketchy and not yet clear. Reports from Guayaquil indicate that large pro-constitutional rallies being led by Mayor Bucaram. Also reported that various prominent citizens have issued an appeal for return to constitutional government and that Vice-President Varea has called an extraordinary meeting of the Congress to meet tomorrow afternoon. Junta reaction has been announcement that extraordinary session will not be permitted and that a constituent assembly will soon be called. Varea reportedly arrested and to be deported.
Curfew imposed as of 9:00 PM tonight.
Events arose from incident at banquet given last night at Presidential Palace by Arosemena in honor of Admiral Wilfred McNeil, president of the Grace Lines. President most noticeably drunk while reading [Typeset Page 268] speech during decoration Admiral McNeil. He made impromptu speech later at dinner in which he said he liked American public but that American Govt was exploiting Ecuador and Latin America. This naturally fell like a bombshell among official guests who were already shocked and ashamed over President’s condition. In response to President’s assurances to me that no personal offense was meant, I said that I could not agree with what he had said, and that the American Govt was the reflection of the American people. Arosemena staggered from the dinner table shortly thereafter and did not reappear.
In accepting apologies on behalf of GOE from all ministers present and other dignitaries after dinner, I attempted play down incident, saying USG has no quarrel with Ecuador or its people, and that President’s statement while drunk would not affect my [Facsimile Page 3] attitude or that of USG toward continued good relations with Ecuador. The extreme concern over effect of incident to those with whom I spoke was apparent, despite my assurances. I expressed the same assurances this morning to MinPublic Works Salem who concerned that incident might effect pending consortium road loan. According FonMin Peralta, Arosemena’s blast due resent over UPI press article appearing same day in which Felando of American Tunaboat Association quoted as saying at San Diego that fishing negotiations failed due GOE bad faith and recommending embargo on imports fish products from Ecuador. Resentment also fed, according Peralta, by Panama hat problem.
Rumor already circulating in Guayaquil that coup undertaken at my insistence due insult USG. Dept alerted to possibility that this may be used in commie propaganda here and elsewhere.
Junta objectives explained to Mil Att and to me during visit today by Colonel Gandara. He said military disgusted by events last night and decided this morning to put an end to “disgraceful situation.” Since preparations had already been underway for such a move in armed services, it took little time to put them into effect. Consideration given to Arosemena replace by Vice President Varea but idea discarded in face almost unanimous opposition. Presenting a partial preview of later junta proclamation, Gandara said junta proposed initiate new regime with revision laws to outlaw communism and put teeth into anti-communist measures. Planned promptly to call a constituent assembly to draft new constitution. Proposed take advantage of opportunity to effect clean sweep of Ecuador’s outmoded social structure through agrarian, administrative and fiscal reforms to extent possible.
[Facsimile Page 4]Gandara stated in response my query re restoration constitutional govt that current Congress could not be relied upon to make necessary changes in view its demonstrated incapacity, with result that job would have to be done by junta with collaboration patriotic and competent civilians. Although constituent assembly would be called promptly, he [Typeset Page 269] estimated that elections could not be held before about two years. He assured me that military sufficiently unified to feel satisfied that junta could carry on for this period of time in face possible leftist, anti-junta reactions.
[Facsimile Page 5]He repeated junta would merely represent military facade over civilian govt which should be able count support people through effective implementation reform measures while at same time controlling communist subversion.
I emphasized importance of an early return to constitutionality. I said US Govt wanted to help Ecuador and that assurance of return to constitutionalism within reasonably prompt period of time would facilitate always sticky problem of recognition, while determination of new govt to push social and economic reform would facilitate collaboration under the Alliance for Progress. Gandara replied he would not be honest if he said return to constitutionalism could be accomplished in six months because of needed structural changes in social, political and economic systems could not be effectively worked out in so short a period. He said junta did not want to repeat mistake of Peruvian junta which missed opportunity to institute widespread reforms required by Peru. Without arguing, I repeated a few times my original point on the importance of assurances of prompt return to constitutionality and implementation of social and economic reforms. I drew his attention to successful results of [Facsimile Page 6] forward-looking attitude of Salvadoran military on constitutional and reform problems.
Colonel McRochz, another member of junta, telephoned me later. He said decision change govt taken in belief it essential for Ecuador’s well-being and honor, and that crack-down on commies would be amongst first moves of junta. I repeated position told Gandara. I also noted wisdom of reform program since purely negative position against communist would leave door open communist-stimulated reaction, whereas immediately emphasized program of reforms and prompt return to constitutionality could reassure public and gain its confidence.
Visit from Alfredo Albornoz, independent liberal ex-Min govt, confirmed Gandara’s assurance of high level civilian cabinet and understood that names various other well-known civilians being considered and approached. Said had been assured of prompt return to constitutionalism through near future convocation constituent assembly to reform outmoded constitution and then elect new president. Albornoz agreed on importance promptly announced guarantees of return to constitutionalism and said would push this further talks. He optimistic over future and confident junta in control situation. He discounted importance congressional reaction and thought political parties would fall in line. Albornoz was hard hitting Min govt who left govt last year due Arosemena’s refusal clean house in govt.
[Typeset Page 270][less than 1 line not declassified] reaction to current developments:
1. Directorate of CTE meeting tonight 7:00 PM to consider calling general strike July 12.
2. Commie youth instructed to hold street demonstrations tonight after 9:00 PM curfew. Slogan will be “poder al pueblo; abajo la dictadura militar.”
[Facsimile Page 7]3. Junta has issued order to arrest all known communists.
Comment: [less than 1 line not declassified] junta proclamations have in my opinion over-emphasized commie problem, [2 lines not declassified]. Aside from demonstrations in Guayaquil led by Mayor Bucaram, we have not as yet heard from other elements who, while opposed to Arosemena, may be expected also to oppose a military junta. Vice-President Varea has apparently been attempting to capitalize on this sentiment, particularly in Congress, in hope that he would be logical beneficiary under constitution. He has apparently been put out of the way. We should have some idea tomorrow of the congressional reaction and that of the political parties. If strong enough, these could conceivably influence a greater readiness for a prompt return to constitutionality. We shall of course press this point in further conversations. Strength of leftist reaction will undoubtedly be important factor for future.
Although US support clearly being solicited, question of recognition has not yet arisen. We propose, as the opportunities present themselves, to continue pressing for a prompt return to constitutional government, as well as guarantees that the new govt will honor its international commitments, including obligations under the Alliance for Progress. No problem anticipated with respect latter two points.
Although initially the three armed services and their commanders in the junta display high degree of unity and resolve, it is doubtful this unified facade will persist indefinitely, and it seems likely that questions of personal and service interest will eventually be divisive. [text not declassified]
[Facsimile Page 8] [Facsimile Page 9]- Announcement of five-man military junta ouster of Arosemena government. Confidential. 9 pp. Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Countries Series, Ecuador, July to November, 1963.↩