Recognition by the United States and other American Republics of the government of Osmín Aguirre y Salinas 10
10. For previous documentation, see Foreign Relations, 1944, vol. vii, pp. 1087 ff.
[875] The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics
Washington, January
22, 1945—11 p.m.
816.01/1–2245: Circular telegram
[876] Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Caribbean and Central American Affairs (Cochran)
[Washington,] February 8, 1945.
[877] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Guatemala (Long)
Washington, February
8, 1945—8 p.m.
816.01/1–2745: Telegram
[878] The Chargé in El Salvador (Gade) to the Secretary of State
San Salvador, February
9, 1945—10 a.m.
[Received 6:14 p.m.]
[Received 6:14 p.m.]
816.01/2–945: Telegram
[879] The Ambassador in Guatemala (Long) to the Secretary of State
Guatemala, February
10, 1945—8 p.m.
[Received February 11—1:26 a.m.]
[Received February 11—1:26 a.m.]
816.01/2–1045: Telegram
[880] The Acting Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics
Washington, February
15, 1945—5 p.m.
816.01/2–1545: Circular telegram
[881] The Ambassador in Costa Rica (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
San José, February
17, 1945—5 p.m.
[Received 9:14 p.m.]
[Received 9:14 p.m.]
816.01/2–1745: Telegram
[882] The Ambassador in Mexico (Messersmith) to the Secretary of State
Mexico, February
19, 1945—8 p.m.
[Received February 20—2:22 a.m.]
[Received February 20—2:22 a.m.]
816.01/2–1945: Telegram
[883] The Assistant Chief of the Division of Caribbean and Central American Affairs (Cochran) to the Ambassador in El Salvador (Simmons)
Washington, February 26,