Termination of the agreement of July 31, 1942, as amended April 25, 1945, between the Rubber Reserve Company and Honduras granting the company exclusive purchasing right to all of Honduras’ exportable rubber
[Note No. 839, November 8, 1945, from the Honduran Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Ambassador in Honduras, quoted text of Honduran Decree No. 972 of November 7, cancelling the rubber purchase agreement. In his reply, Note No. 403, November 20, the Ambassador advised the Foreign Minister of the Rubber Development Corporation’s approval of the cancellation on November 15, 1945. Both notes were transmitted to the Department in despatch 2146, January 16, 1946, from Tegucigalpa (none printed). For documentation on the conclusion of the Agreement of July 31, 1942, see Foreign Relations, 1942, volume VI, pages 478–479.]