816.01/1–2745: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Guatemala (Long)
72. Reurtel no. 58, January 27, 6 p.m.19 It appears probable that most of the Governments of the hemisphere will extend recognition to El Salvador within a few days. In this connection you should emphasize to the Foreign Minister your Government’s earnest hope that Guatemala will be represented at the Meeting in Mexico City and will play the important role in the deliberations on problems of the war and post-war period, to which Guatemala is entitled by her traditions and by the constructive part she has always played in inter-American relations. You may wish to add that your Government understands that in the probable event that Mexico should join in this action and should extend an invitation to El Salvador to attend the Conference, the Salvadoran delegate will represent President-elect Castañeda Castro.
Please convey the above message to the Foreign Minister at the earliest possible opportunity and report.
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