Efforts to secure the cooperation of the Ecuadoran government in the elimination of Axis business interests 79

79. For previous documentation, see Foreign Relations, 1944, vol. vii, p. 1079 ff.

[853] The Ambassador in Ecuador (Scotten) to the Secretary of State

740.22112 RP/7–1945: Telegram

[854] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Ecuador (Scotten)

740.22112A/7–645: Telegram

[855] The Ambassador in Ecuador (Scotten) to the Secretary of State

740.22112 RP/8–345: Telegram

[856] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Ecuador (Scotten)

740.22112 RP/8–345

[857] The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Ecuador (Shaw)

740.22112 RP/8–445: Airgram

[858] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Ecuador (Shaw)

740.22112A/10–1145: Telegram

[859] The Chargé in Ecuador (Shaw) to the Secretary of State


[860] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Ecuador (Shaw)

740.22112A/10–2345: Telegram

[861] The Chargé in Ecuador (Shaw) to the Secretary of State

740.00112A EW/11–1045: Telegram

[862] The Chargé in Ecuador (Shaw) to the Secretary of State
