- Efforts to secure cooperation between the United States and Chile on
certain measures for hemisphere defense
(Documents 584–607)
- Entry of Chile into a state of belligerency with the Axis Powers and
adherence of Chile to the United Nations Declaration
(Documents 608–622)
- Agreement Between the United States and Chile defining the military service due by nationals of each country residing in the other
- Efforts by the United States to secure the cooperation of Chile in
eliminating Axis business interests in Chile
(Documents 623–636)
- Negotiations to procure for the United States strategic materials from
(Documents 637–658)
- Interest of the United States in the status of Chile’s external debt and
policy toward advancing credits for Chilean development (Documents 659–668)
- Discussions between the United States and Chile regarding trade controls
and trade agreement
(Documents 669–683)
- United States Interest in Petroleum Supplies for Chile