816.01/2–1545: Circular telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics
ReDepeirtel January 22, 11 p.m. Department has now received replies regarding recognition of El Salvador from all countries consulted. The consultations have not developed any charges of Axis [Page 1070] influence in the accession to power of the Aguirre regime, within the meaning of Resolution XXII of the Advisory Committee for Political Defense at Montevideo. Fourteen of the sixteen replies are favorable to early recognition of El Salvador on the grounds that the government is (a) in de facto control of the machinery of government and of the country, (b) enjoys general support without active opposition and (c) has declared its intention and is able to fulfill its international obligations. Guatemala will not recognize the Aguirre regime and Costa Rica will withhold action until after the inauguration of the new Salvadoran President on March first. Bolivia will recognize hut will not act simultaneously. Mexico has agreed to early action. Please inform Foreign Minister of Government to which you are accredited of the above; and say that there consequently seems to be a general agreement in favor of recognition. You should add that you are under instructions to inform him that your Government therefore intends to resume relations on Monday, February 19, and is so informing him, in case he should wish to take simultaneous action. Please express your Government’s appreciation of his cooperation in making known to you the attitude of his Government on this subject and state that the almost complete unity of opinion elicited by the consultation is a further demonstration of the efficacy of the consultative procedure.
Repeated to Argentina, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua for information only.24
The following message was added to the copy of this circular when sent to Bolivia: “Reurtel 99 of January 24, 4 p.m. Please add that Department feels that the reaction throughout the hemisphere might be unfavorable, should Bolivia extend recognition before any of the other American Republics, as contemplated in point 3 of your telegram under reference, and suggest that Bolivia adopt its own alternative suggestion and wait until a few days later before taking action, if it does not wish to do so simultaneously.” Telegram 99 from Bolivia, not printed.
In telegram 37, February 15, 1945, 8 p.m., the Chargé in El Salvador was authorized to extend recognition on February 19 (816.01/2–1545).