Recognition by the United States of the provisional government of Spain

[1056] The Spanish Embassy to the Department of State


[1057] The Ambassador in Spain (Laughlin) to the Secretary of State

852.00/1818: Telegram

[1058] The Ambassador in Spain (Laughlin) to the Secretary of State

852.00/1819: Telegram

[1059] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain (Laughlin)

852.01/17: Telegram

[1060] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Edge)

852.01/24: Telegram

[1061] The Ambassador in Spain (Laughlin) to the Secretary of State

852.01/19: Telegram

[1062] The Ambassador in France (Edge) to the Secretary of State

852.01/26: Telegram

[1063] The Ambassador in Germany (Sackett) to the Secretary of State

852.01/28: Telegram

[1064] The Ambassador in Spain (Laughlin) to the Secretary of State

852.01/31: Telegram

[1065] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes) to the Secretary of State

852.01/25: Telegram

[1066] The Ambassador in Italy (Garrett) to the Secretary of State

852.01/27: Telegram

[1067] The Ambassador in Spain (Laughlin) to the Secretary of State

852.01/30: Telegram

[1068] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain (Laughlin)

862.01/30: Telegram

[1069] The Ambassador in Spain (Laughlin) to the Secretary of State

852.01/33: Telegram

[1070] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain (Laughlin)

852.01/33: Telegram

[1071] The Ambassador in Spain (Laughlin) to the Secretary of State

852.01/36: Telegram

[1072] The Ambassador in Spain (Laughlin) to the Secretary of State

852.01/41: Telegram