Representations regarding discriminatory charges in Portuguese ports1

1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1930, vol. iii, pp. 777785.

[1041] The Minister in Portugal (South) to the Secretary of State


[1042] The Chargé in Portugal (Magruder) to the Acting Secretary of State

853.84/12: Telegram

[1043] The Minister in Portugal (South) to the Secretary of State


[1044] The British Chargé (Osborne) to the Secretary of State


[1045] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Portugal (South)

653.116/90: Telegram

[1046] The Minister in Portugal (South) to the Secretary of State

653.116/91: Telegram

[1047] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Portugal (South)

653.116/91: Telegram

[1048] The Minister in Portugal (South) to the Secretary of State


[1049] The Minister in Portugal (South) to the Secretary of State
