852.01/30: Telegram
The Ambassador in Spain (Laughlin) to the Secretary of State
[Received 6:40 p.m.]
26. Embassy’s 24, 17th of April, 5 p.m., and the Department’s No. 10, April 16th, 7 p.m. The Spanish Provisional Government has been recognized by France, Czechoslovakia, Mexico, Uruguay, and Chile. I am assured by the Italian and German Ambassadors that their Governments have not yet informed them in the matter. According to the British Ambassador his Government will make its reply after hearing from the Dominions.
On the surface, the Provisional Government appears to be stable. As yet, however, the state of affairs in Catalonia has presented no difficulties; at this moment, the authorities in Madrid appear to be successful in their management of that situation. In general, surprisingly good order prevails. To my knowledge there are, at present, no active disturbing elements, but such forces are certainly latent. The ability of the Provisional Government to resist such elements would undoubtedly be strengthened by recognition from the great powers. Not enough time to make a fair evaluation of the Government has elapsed since it came into power. During its brief existence, the regime has created a good impression. The men composing it, however, are not credited with distinctive ability.