Admission to the United States of German student laborers58

58. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1930, vol. iii, pp. 109116.

[359] The German Embassy to the Department of State

811.111 Colleges 62/32

[360] The German Embassy to the Department of State

811.111 Colleges 62/35

[361] The Secretary of State to the German Ambassador (Von Prittwitz)

811.111 Colleges 62/42

[362] The German Embassy to the Department of State

811.111 Colleges 62/46

[363] The Department of State to the German Embassy

811.111 Colleges 62/50

[364] Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (Carr)

811.111 Colleges 62/54

[365] The German Ambassador (Von Prittwitz) to the Secretary of State

811.111 Colleges 62/56

[366] The Secretary of State to the German Ambassador (Von Prittwitz)

811.111 Colleges 62/63