Protection of Chinese interests. Asylum in the United States to Chinese refugees accompanying General Pershing’s forces out of Mexico. American consular officers in Mexico instructed to render good offices in behalf of Chinese citizens22
22. Continued from For. Rel. 1916, pp. 795–796.
[1316] General Funston to the Adjutant General
Fort Sam Houston,
January 27, 1917.
File No. 151.07/71
[1317] The Secretary of State to the Chinese Minister
Department of State,
Washington, February 9, 1917.
Washington, February 9, 1917.
File No. 151.07/72
[1318] The Chinese Minister to the Secretary of State
Chinese Legation,
Washington, February 14, 1917.
Washington, February 14, 1917.
File No. 151.07/75
[1319] The Chinese Minister to the Secretary of State
Chinese Legation,
Washington, March 16, 1917.
Washington, March 16, 1917.
File No. 704.9312/13
[1320] The Secretary of State to the Chinese Minister
Department of State,
Washington, March 23, 1917.
Washington, March 23, 1917.
File No. 704.9312/13
[1321] The Secretary of State to Consul Silliman
Department of State,
Washington, March 23, 1917.
Washington, March 23, 1917.
File No. 704.9312/13
[1322] The Secretary of War to the Secretary of State
War Department,
Washington, April 28, 1917,
Washington, April 28, 1917,
File No. 151.07/84
[1323] The Secretary of State to the Chinese Minister
Department of State.
Washington, May 1, 1917.
Washington, May 1, 1917.
File No. 151.07/84
[1324] The Chinese Minister to the Secretary of State
Chinese Legation,
Washington, May 1, 1917.
Washington, May 1, 1917.
File No. 151.07/85
[1325] The Secretary of State to the Chinese Minister
Department of State,
Washington, May, 12, 1917.
Washington, May, 12, 1917.
File No. 151.07/89
[1326] The Assistant Secretary of Labor to the Secretary of State
Department of Labor,
Washington, May 12, 1917.
Washington, May 12, 1917.
File No. 151.07/91