File No. 704.9312/13
The Chinese Minister to the Secretary of State
Washington, March 16, 1917.
Sir: Yesterday I had the honor to inquire, under instructions from my Government, whether it would be agreeable to the American Government to permit its Consular Officers in Mexico, in the absence of Chinese Consular Officers there, to use their good offices in behalf of Chinese citizens in that country as they did before their withdrawal, and you were good enough to tell me that many of the American Consular Officers had already returned to their posts in Mexico, and assure me that it would be agreeable to the American Government to extend this courtesy to Chinese citizens in Mexico.
[Page 1090]I now have the honor to confirm my verbal representation and to request that instructions be sent to the American Consular Officers in Mexico.
If your Department deems it possible to accede to this request, it will be very gratifying to my Government.
Accept [etc.]