Impressment of American citizens in the Italian Army 1
1. Continued from For. Rel. 1916, p. 398.
[1027] Ambassador Sharp to the Secretary of State
American Embassy,
Paris, January 8, 1917.
Paris, January 8, 1917.
File No. 365.117/490
[1028] The Secretary of State to Ambassador Page
Department of State,
Washington, January 9, 1917.
Washington, January 9, 1917.
File No. 365.117/451
[1029] The Secretary of State to Ambassador Page
Department of State,
Washington, February 7, 1917.
Washington, February 7, 1917.
File No. 365.117/492
[1030] Minister Stovall to the Secretary of State
American Legation,
Berne, February 16, 1917.
Berne, February 16, 1917.
File No. 365.117/497
[1031] The Secretary of State to Ambassador Page
Department of State,
Washington, March 6, 1917.
Washington, March 6, 1917.
File No. 365.117/507
[1033] Ambassador Page to the Secretary of State
American Embassy,
Rome, March 19, 1917.
Rome, March 19, 1917.
File No. 365.117/533
[1034] Ambassador Page to the Secretary of State
American Embassy,
Rome, April 12, 1917.
Rome, April 12, 1917.
File No. 365.117/547
[1035] Ambassador Page to the Secretary of State
American Embassy,
Rome, May 3, 1917.
Rome, May 3, 1917.
File No. 365.117/551
[1036] Ambassador Page to the Secretary of State
American Embassy,
Rome, May 4, 1917.
Rome, May 4, 1917.
File No. 365.117/553
[1037] Ambassador Page to the Secretary of State
American Embassy,
Rome, October 13, 1917.
Rome, October 13, 1917.
File No. 365.117/583