File No. 151.07/85
The Chinese Minister to the Secretary of State
Washington, May 1, 1917.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 1st instant, with which you are good enough to enclose a copy of a letter of April 28, 1917, from the Secretary of War, transmitting a copy of a telegram received from General Pershing, in regard to the Chinese refugees now at Columbus, New Mexico.
Some time ago this Legation made informal inquiries of the Department of Labor regarding the employment by the American military establishment of the Chinese refugees from Mexico now at Columbus, New Mexico. General Pershing’s telegram is evidently an answer to those inquiries of this Legation communicated [Page 1092] to the War Department by the Department of Labor. In reply I have the honor to state that I am now sending a telegram to the Chinese Consul General now at Columbus, approving his recommendation to permit the Chinese refugees to be sent to San Antonio, Texas, and accept employment by the American military establishment, and instructing him to receive into custody at any time such refugee laborers as may be discharged for cause or desert and be found, if any cases of this kind should ever arise.
Accept [etc.]