File No. 151.07/91
The Assistant Secretary of Labor to the Secretary of State
Washington, May 12, 1917.
Sir: Referring to previous correspondence regarding the 489 Chinese refugees detained at Columbus, New Mexico, I have the honor to inclose a copy2 of a letter this day written Senator Fall, showing that the matter has finally been adjusted in such a way that all of the Chinese who can not be immediately returned to China will be given employment in the Quartermaster’s Department of the Army.
This Department has been informally advised by the Counselor of the Chinese Legation that written assurances have been given the State Department by the Chinese Minister to the effect that if any of these Chinese abandon their employment in the military establishment and attempt to remain in the United States they will be promptly turned over to immigration officials for deportation. For the completion of this Department’s file please furnish it with a copy of said written assurances.
- Not printed.↩