File No. 151.07/84
The Secretary of War to the
Secretary of State
The Secretary of War presents his compliments to the Honorable the
Secretary of State, and has the honor to inclose herewith with request
for such action as may be practicable, copy of telegram dated April 28,
1917, from the Commanding General, Southern Department, Fort Sam
Houston, Texas, in reply to telegram from this Department of April 26,
1917, a copy of which is also inclosed, in regard to the Chinese
refugees now at Columbus, New Mexico. It is also requested that this
Department be informed as to the action of the Department of State in
this matter.
War Department,
Washington, April
28, 1917,
[Page 1091]
[Inclosure 1 – Telegram]
The Adjutant General to
General Pershing
April 26, 1917.
6586. Reference telegram from this office No. 6449 dated April 14
relative Chinese refugees Columbus no answer received as yet. Wire
[Inclosure 2 – Telegram]
General Pershing
to the Adjutant General
Fort Sam Houston,
April 28, 1917.
5075. Reference your 6586. Reply to your No. 6449 delayed awaiting
word from Chinese Consul General regarding assurances given by
Chinese Minister. No word yet received by Chinese Consul from
Minister authorizing former to act. Your telegram implies that
assurances already given for purpose of accepting employment by
military establishment. Situation not so understood by Consul
General at Columbus. Latter has strongly recommended to Chinese
Minister that Chinese refugees be permitted to accept employment by
military establishment and that refugees be sent to San Antonio for
that purpose. Have deferred action awaiting reply to his
recommendation. Suggest matter be taken up by State Department with
view to transfer of refugees from Columbus to San Antonio where they
can be given employment. Chinese Minister should assume
responsibility for refugee laborers who are discharged for cause or
who desert.