File No. 151.07/72

The Secretary of State to the Chinese Minister

No. 40

Sir: Referring to the recent conversation between the Counselor of your Legation, Mr. Yung Kwai, and Mr. Lockhart of this Department [Page 1089] relative to the admission into the United States at Columbus, New Mexico, of certain Chinese refugees who expected to accompany General Pershing’s forces in their withdrawal from Mexico, I have the honor to quote, for your information, the following telegram sent by the Commissioner General of Immigration on February 3, 1917, to the Supervising Inspector of the Immigration Service at El Paso, Texas, with reference to this matter:

War Department has telegraphed instructions to General Funston providing for issuance of rations, forage, et cetera, to refugees following General Pershing’s troops. Cooperate in every possible way without incurring expenses other than those always cared for in immigration cases and arising in these cases in connection with enforcement of immigration law. Assume no other jurisdiction. Wire promptly if anything more needed regarding this feature. Concerning transit of Chinese also wire if impossible for military branch to furnish necessary guards or for you to care for matter with force available. Chinese Legation has advised Bureau through State Department that Consul General from San Francisco is on way to Columbus to assist, the Chinese six companies having assured him they will meet necessary expenses. Keep Bureau advised constantly.

Accept [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Frank L. Polk