File No. 812.00/15815.

The Secretary of State to Special Agent Carothers.

Sir: There is enclosed herewith, for your information, a copy of a letter from Mr. A. J. McQuatters, on behalf of the Mine and Smelter Operators’ Association, dated August 13, 1915, in which he makes mention of the excellent aid rendered by you in changing the attitude of General Villa and members of the Villa cabinet, in regard to the proposed action against foreign mining and smelting interests in the territory dominated by Villista troops.

I am [etc.]

Robert Lansing.

Mine and Smelter Operators Association to the Secretary of State.

Dear Sir: We enclose herewith confirmation of telegrams sent you under date of August 12, which we hereby confirm, and wish to reiterate our high appreciation of the satisfactory results obtained during the recent conferences with General Villa and members of his cabinet, and to state that we believe that the change of attitude on the part of the Mexican officials was due wholly to the prompt and energetic representations made at your direction by Mr. George C. Carothers, the special agent of your Department, together with the influence that General Scott seems to exercise over the Mexican leaders.

It would be difficult for one not thoroughly conversant with the Mexican situation and particularly the individuals at the head of the various factions to appreciate the difficult position that a representative of our Government is placed in in dealing with them from day to day in such a way as to still maintain friendly relations and accomplish good results.

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Mr. Carothers seems to be peculiarly fitted for this difficult position and has at all times acted with promptness and dispatch in making any proper representations to the de facto authorities in behalf of Americans interested in the country when brought to his attention.

I am [etc.]

A. J. McQuattees.