File No. 812.00/15741.

The Secretary of State to the Secretary of War.

Sir: I have the honor to enclose herewith, for your information, copies of two telegrams from the Mine and Smelter Operators’ Association, of El Paso, in regard to the valuable services rendered by General Scott in inducing General Villa to promise, that no further molestation of foreign mining and smelting interests in northern Mexico would be permitted.

The Department is glad to bring these communications to the War Department’s attention.

I have [etc.]

Robert Lansing.

The Mine and Smelter Operators’ Association to the Secretary of State.

Sir: In accordance with the suggestion in your telegram of August 6, that this Association keep in close touch with the representatives of your Department during negotiations with General Villa as to his proposed drastic action regarding foreign mining and smelting interests in the territory dominated by his forces, we are pleased to advise you that subsequent to General Scott’s interview with General Villa, committee of this association discussed freely and [Page 939] on a friendly basis with General Villa the present situation confronting him, with the result that General Villa has announced that no drastic action of any kind will be taken against these interests and that they will be permitted to continue their business without molestation. On behalf of this association, which comprises practically all of the foreign mining and smelting interests of northern Mexico, we desire to thank you for the prompt and effective action taken on our behalf. In this connection we wish to mention particularly, the effective work and influence of General Scott, to whom in a great measure this satisfactory outcome is due.


The Mine and Smelter Operators’ Association.


Referring to our telegram sent you earlier in the day with reference to the outcome of conferences just terminated with General Villa, and after a discussion at a meeting of the Mine and Smelter Operators’ Association held here this afternoon at which practically all interests were represented, it occurs to say that we are particularly impressed by the peculiar ability of General Scott to make friends with and to gain the confidence of such men as now dominate the political affairs in Mexico. We cannot but feel that this peculiar ability of General Scott might be utilized with good effect in dealing with the other factional leaders in Mexico, in an effort to bring about a peaceful solution of the Mexican troubles.

The Mine and Smelter Operators’ Association.