File No. 812.512/790.
Special Agent Silliman to the Secretary of State.
Sir: In reply to the Department’s unnumbered communication of July 28 regarding [etc.], I have the honor to call the Department’s attention to my despatch of August 13 with enclosures; also to my Cablegram August 6; also to various other communications on this matter.
The results of the representations may be summarized from the closing clauses of the document80 from the Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público dated the 29th of last July which is to the effect that mining properties will be allowed until the 31st of August to pay their pending taxes; and that those who apply directly to the Department here, giving sufficient reason for reduction of taxes, will be allowed the reduction, considering the circumstances attending each particular case.
I have [etc.]
- Quoted In Inclosure 2 with Mr. Silliman’s August 13.↩