File No. 711.21/318.

The Minister of Colombia to the Secretary of State.

My Dear Mr. Bryan: The delay that unfortunately has occurred in the consideration of the treaty between your country and mine has caused me keen regret also, for I did hope that it would be ratified by the Senate just adjourned. But the circumstances that you mention in your communication of the 4th. inst., to which I refer, seem to have been unavoidable.

I have no misgivings as to the final outcome of this important matter, and my faith is strengthened by your conviction that the next Senate will be more favorable to ratification of the treaty.

I cannot believe for one moment that representatives of a nation whose fair dealings are recorded on the pages of history will fail to do justice to Colombia, especially when His Excellency the President and his high-minded Secretary of State have shown so much interest in the success of this treaty, which—if ratified—will renew the good friendship between our countries.

I am transmitting these views to my Government, assuring them at the same time [of] our common faith in the final ratification of the treaty.

Please accept [etc.]

Julio Betancourt.