Alphabetical Index


  • Abduction by Mexican soldiers of prisoners in custody of American officials in Arizona 692698, 700, 709, 710, 711, 713, 717, 719, 722, 723, 726, 728, 742, 871, 872
  • Aborigines of Formosa: their partial civilization 231
  • Abyssinian coast blockaded by Italy 650
  • Ae Teck. (See Citizenship.)
  • Anderson, George F. (See Great Britain.)
  • Arana, Mrs. Charlotte Dowdallde. (See Citizenship.)
  • Arbios, Jean Pierre. (See France.)
  • Arbitration in international disputes: appeal of the “Friends of Peace” for 284
    • United States in favor of arbitration 287
  • Argentine Republic: inauguration of President Juarez composition of cabinet; inaugural address; farewell address of ex-President Roca.13
    • subsidy granted to proposed line of American steamers between New York and Buenos Ayres 6, 9
    • United States legation made a first-class mission 12
  • Attack on United States consulate at Santos, Brazil 53, 57, 58, 64
  • Austria-Hungary: expulsion of Antonio Chirighin 13, 16, 18


  • Belgium: commercial law congress to be held at Brussels; United States requested to be represented 43, 44
    • international exposition of sciences and industry to be held at Brussels in 1888 36
    • proposed reorganization of army 25
    • riot at Ostend, caused by the bringing of fish there by English fishermen 40
    • telephonic convention with France 30
  • Bernhard, Albert. (See Citizenship.)
  • Bolivia: seat of government transferred to Sucre 45, 46
  • Boundary dispute between Brazil and the Argentine Republic, report on 47
    • Argentine contention 49
    • Brazilian contention 51
  • Boundary dispute between Nicaragua and Costa Rica; mediation of Guatemala 73, 82, 85
    • arbitration of President 89, 267, 268, 910, 911, 912
    • protest of Nicaragua against alleged encroachments of Costa Rica 107, 110
    • convention submitting question to arbitration of United States ratified by Nicaragua 115
    • ratified by Costa Rica 124
    • reference to dispute in message of Costa Rican President 125
    • amicably settled by treaty 136
    • treaty of settlement 140
    • ratification of treaty recommended by President of Nicaragua 143
    • treaty rejected by Nicaraguan senate 270
  • Brazil: attack on United States consulate at Santos 53, 57, 58, 64
    • estates of foreigners dying in Brazil; law relative to 60, 63
    • expiration of consular conventions with; notice of, given 60
    • extension of concessions to Dom Pedro II American Cable Co. 58, 64, 67
    • foreign affairs of, report on 54
    • illness of Emperor 64, 67
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  • Cable between Hawaii and the United States: $20,000 a year for fifteen years appropriated by Hawaii to aid its construction 586
    • United States not authorized to give substantial assistance 587
  • Camphor trade of Formosa monopolized by government 181
  • Carlin, J. C. (See France.)
  • Caroline Islands: right to establish a naval station renounced by Germany; sovereignty of Spain over entire territory unimpaired 1023
  • Central America: congress of the States of, proposed by Guatemala, and agreed to 85
    • Nicaragua and Costa Rica boundary dispute, (See Boundary dispute between Nicaragua and Costa Rica.)
    • revolutionary movement alleged to have been in interest of ex-President Zaldivar frustrated 145
    • revolutionary plottings in 76
    • rumored intention of Nicaragua and Salvador to coerce Honduras 98
    • scheme to send an expedition against Salvador frustrated by Nicaragua 116
    • treaty of peace, friendship, alliance, and commerce between the States of 100, 110
  • Chili: appointment of Señor Godoy as minister of foreign affairs, satisfaction of United States 152
    • foreign debt to be converted into 4½ per cent, bonds 151
    • inauguration of President Balmaceda 149
    • removal of remains of General Kilpatrick to the United States 157, 158
  • China: accession of Emperor; articles of procedure to be adopted 167
    • agreement with Great Britain fixing import and lekin tax on opium 182
    • additional article to agreement with Great Britain fixing an import tax of 30 taels and a lekin tax of 80 taels per chest on opium 187
    • advance of China during reign of the Empress Dowager 184
    • approaching marriage of Emperor, and decree of Empress Regent enjoining economy in fiscal matters 220
    • civil law of; observations thereon 217
    • convention with France, modifying treaty of commerce of April 25, 1886. 232
    • differences with Japan, growing out of Nagasaki riots, settled 186
    • dredging of the Woosung bar 183, 190
    • educational reforms, memorial on 227
    • increased lekin tax on kerosene at Canton 191, 195, 221
    • increase contrary to treaties 224
    • tax reduced 234, 235
    • lekin tax on kerosene at Hong Kong; system of collecting 212
    • lekin tax on opium. 182, 187
    • lekin tax on sugar in Formosa; foreign merchants refuse to pay, on ground that it is contrary to treaty 172
    • tax held by China to be in accord with treaties 178
    • magazine article by the Marquis Tseng on the past, present, and future of China 196, 203, 211
    • manifesto of Emperor on ascending throne 202
    • missionaries in. (See Missionaries in China.)
    • officials appointed to travel in foreign countries, list of 235
      • courtesies will be extended to them in United States 236
    • overflowing of the Yellow River; inability to prevent; distress caused thereby 201
    • penal code of, observation thereon 212
    • permission granted Rev. Lai Ki to preach among Chinese in the United States 223
    • progress in; public mission to travel in foreign countries appointed; proposed examinations in the civil service 221
    • railroad line between Taku and Tientsin; opposition to its construction being overcome, 191 assent of Emperor obtained, 205; decree authorizing its construction 208
    • railroad line between Tamsui to Changhua in Formosa to be constructed. 224
    • railroads; American system admitted to be the best 219
    • railroads in; opposition to 182
    • return of Marquis Tseng, 174; his appointment to the Tsung-li Yamên 176
  • Chirighin, Antonio. (See Austria.)
  • Cholera in the Argentine Republic 4, 5, 9, 11
  • Citizenship: abuse of, by persons who become American citizens to escape laws of their native country 36
    • acquisition and loss of, in Germany; decision concerning 386
    • status of Ae Teck, who declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States, and returned to China before taking out naturalization papers 190, 210
    • status of Mrs. Charlotte Dowdajl de Arana, a native of the United States and widow of a Spanish subject 84, 92
    • status of Albert Bernhard 389, 394
    • status of descendants of American citizens born in Turkey 1120
    • status of Emile Dewaele, who invokes naturalization of his father to escape military duty in Belgium 41, 42
    • status of Moritz Philipp Emden, who has resided in Europe since 1859 1063, 1065
    • status of Alexander Hatchdoorian, born in Turkey, and son of a naturalized American who has lived in Turkey since 1856 1126, 1131
    • status of Henry E. Kern, who was naturalized before a sufficient length of residence 1072
    • status of Richard King 284, 289
    • status of Charles Laszlo, who has resided in Austria-Hungary since 1867 19, 23
    • status of Mrs. Antonia Mundé, who has never been in the United States, but who claims citizenship of her deceased naturalized husband 20, 23
    • status of naturalized Americans of Russian birth in Russia 943, 948, 951, 956, 958, 965
    • status of naturalized Americans with large business interests abroad who leave the United States immediately upon naturalization, and have no real animus, renertendi 1069, 1073
    • status of Charles G. Richter, who has resided in Belgium since 1871, and has no fixed intention of returning to the United States 34, 36
    • status of Emil Stucker, in Russia, who claims naturalization through his father 965, 967
  • Claim against Mexico for property taken from United States troops in Mexico while in pursuit of hostile Indians 673, 680, 691, 740
    • of A. K. Cutting against Mexico.751, 844, 849, 857
    • of Messrs. Larrache & Co. against United States for cotton seized during the civil war 10031023
    • of F. C. Spooner, owner of the American schooner Eliza, against Russia for seizure and confiscation of his vessel 940, 945, 946, 953, 954, 956, 966
  • Claims of American missionaries in China for property destroyed by a mob at Chungking, China 159166, 169, 176, 179, 180, 189
    • of American missionaries for losses from mob violence at Kwei Ping and Tseng Yuen, China 176
    • of foreigners for losses sustained during late rebellion in Colombia; law relative to, 245; decree directing manner of carrying law into effect 247
    • of A. Pelletier and A. H. Lazare against Hayti; report of Secretary of State, giving history of cases, conclusions reached by arbitrator and exceptions taken thereto 593
    • reference thereto by President of Hayti 628
    • reasons advanced by Hayti why award of arbitrator should not be collected 630
  • Colombia: attempted revolution frustrated 251
    • claims of foreigners for losses sustained during late rebellion; law relative to 245 decree directing manner of carrying lawinto effect 247
  • Commerce: alleged excessive tonnage dues levied on Spanish steamer Hernan Cortez at New Orleans 1023, 1024
    • circular instructing diplomatic officers to extend invitation to foreign governments for the reciprocal abolition of tonnage and port dues under provisions of shipping acts of June 26, 1884, and June 19, 1886 1135
    • claim of Sweden and-Norway, under treaty of 1827, to same privileges for vessels from those countries as are granted to vessels from certain localities by shipping act of June 26, 1884 10381053
    • differential duties exacted on cargo of American bark Sarah A. Staples at Havana 992
    • discriminating import duty on flour in Brazil complaint of American flour dealers 65
    • discrimination against United States carrying trade by Guatemala 117, 125, 128, 131, 136, 146
    • by Mexico 668, 678, 682, 683, 684, 690, 691, 698, 709, 711, 714, 715, 716, 718, 723, 729, 730, 736, 740, 741
    • by Salvador, 133, 137; discrimination discontinued, 138, 742; decree discontinuing discrimination 142
  • Commerce: exports and imports of Hawaii 566, 570, 573
    • fines imposed by Mexican customs authorities for trivial irregularities; complaints of Messrs. Pomares and Cushman720, 726, 737, 740
    • free ports in the Dutch East Indies, list of 906
    • privileges of shipping acts desired by Italy for reciprocal abolition of tonnage dues, 651; United States vessels not discriminated against in Italian ports, 652; Italian vessels admitted to privileges of shipping acts 653
    • privileges of shipping acts desired by the Netherlands. 888, 889, 905, 906, 908, 909
    • proclamation of President suspending collection of discriminating tonnage and port dues on vessels coming from the Netherlands and the Dutch East Indies 907
    • steamship line (Spanish) proposed between Aspinwall and New York; contract offered Guatemala. 126
    • steamship line (Spanish) between Panama and San Francisco; rejection by Salvador of stipulation in contract regarding rebate 93, 98
    • tonnage dues paid by Spanish vessels in Cuban ports; equal treatment accorded United States vessels 982
    • trade relations of Japan with the United States 655, 658, 662
    • trade statistics of Japan 660
    • trade (American) with Persia; American houses should be represented by agents from the United States 916, 918
    • trade of the United States with the Argentine Republic; hinderances thereto 10
    • trade of the United States with Brazil, 66, 67; with Hawaii 573
  • Commercial agreement with Spain. (See Spain.)
    • law congress to be held at Brussels 43, 44
  • Concessions to Ameripans in Persia.913, 914
  • Congo: Independent Free State of the; Belgian bill to authorize its issuing bonds in Belgium with a view to contracting a loan 33, 39
    • instructions governing foreign consuls 26
    • treaty with Tippoo Tib 38
  • Congress of American States: speeches in Chilian Congress in favor of 153
  • Connell, E. R. (See Netherlands.)
  • Consular jurisdiction over affairs on ship-board 642, 646
    • rights; convention between Great Britain and Brazil 63
    • supplies; their free entry refused to the United States consul at Palermo 633, 639, 640
  • Corea: enterprises inaugurated by American missionaries in 258
    • foreign merchants in Seoul; their expulsion probable253, 259, 261
    • foreign settlement at Chemulpho; plan of settlement signed, 260; rules for procuring title deeds 265
    • harbor regulations of Chemulpho 258
    • influence of China; reforms suggested by Chinese minister 256
    • killing of William McKay, an American citizen, by a Corean 263, 266
    • progress in; success of American teachers; American enterprises established 252
  • Costa Rica: boundary dispute with Nicaragua. (See Boundary dispute.)
    • decree relative to the navigation of the San Juan River 91
    • law relating to citizenship and status of foreigners, 95; objections of United States thereto 99
  • Criminal jurisdiction: theories of 770
  • Cuba: circular respecting foreigners 989
    • navigation and port dues. 983
  • Cutting, A. K. (See Mexico.)


  • Debts of Archbishop Purcell: request of his creditors to present a memorial to the Pope through United States minister denied 641
  • Dewaele, Emile. (See Citizenship.)
  • Discriminating tonnage and port dues: circular instructing diplomatic officers to extend invitation to foreign Governments for reciprocal abolition of, under provisions of shipping act of June 19, 1886. 1135
    • claim of Sweden and Norway, under treaty of 1827, to same privileges for vessels from those countries as are granted to vessels from certain localities by shipping act of June 26, 1884 10381053
    • privileges of shipping acts desired by Italy, 651; United States vessels not discriminated against in Italian ports, 652; Italian vessels admitted to privileges of shipping acts 653
    • privileges of shipping denied by the Netherlands 888, 889, 905, 906, 908, 909
    • proclamation of President suspending tonnage and port dues on vessels from the Netherlands and Dutch East Indies 907
  • Discrimination against United States carrying trade by Gautemala 117, 125, 128, 131, 136, 146
  • Dom Pedro II. American Cable Company. (See Brazil).
  • Dues (tonnage) paid by Spanish vessels in Cuban ports; equal treatment accorded American vessels 982
  • Duties on works of fine art; letter from “Cercle Axtistique,” of Antwerp 32
  • Duty on wrapper tobacco in the United States 887, 888


  • Eliza, American schooner seized and confiscated by Russia.940, 945, 946, 953, 954, 956, 957, 966
  • Emden, Moritz Philipp. (See Citizenship.)
  • Emigration (assisted) of Irish crofters 520, 539
    • (Chinese), Americans residing in China returning home on a visit, and travelers passing through United States, may bring with them Chinese nurses or body servants 193
    • permission granted Rev. Lai Ki by China to come to the United States to preach among Chinese 223
  • Estates of foreigners dying in Brazil: law relative to 60, 63
    • (imaginary) Graef estate in Holland 892
    • (unclaimed) Duboise estate in Holland 883, 884
    • (unclaimed) in France, laws relative to 278, 301
  • Expulsion of Antonio Chirighin from Austria-Hungary 1316
    • of naturalized Americans from Germany: cases of Karl S. Petersen, C. H. Hansen, and Lars Hoeck. 369
    • case of Knud N. Knudsen 375
    • cases cited to controvert German position that Germany has right and has maintained it of expelling naturalized Americans before expiration of two years’ limit 379
    • Germany’s contention as to right to expel 416
    • rights of Americans of German origin in Germany 419
  • Extradition of M. R. Meyer, alias Charles Bourton, charged with swindling in Mexico, in representing himself to be the agent for the sale of tickets for an operatic performance by Madame Patti’s company 868870
  • “Extraterritorial crime and the Cutting case report on 757
  • Extraterritorial crimes: positive legislation in different countries respecting 781
    • principles of American law respecting 793
  • Extraterritorial jurisdiction 844, 849
    • article 186 of the Mexican penal code 856
    • nations which punish crimes committed in foreign countries 862
  • Extraterritoriality: historical review of, in Turkey 1,094


  • Fisheries. (See Great Britain.)
  • France: confinement of Baron Seilliere in a French insane asylum 261, 303, 304, 311, 312, 314, 318, 326, 327, 343, 344, 345, 349, 352
    • exclusion of American pork 298
    • marriages of American citizens in, and French law relative to marriage; embarrassments created by Department’s instructions that French law should be complied with and certificates issued by the United States minister to overcome them 279, 287
    • certificates objected to; ceremony should be in strict accordance with law of place of celebration 295
    • military service case of J. C. Carlin, who deserted from a French ship and afterwards acquired American citizenship; permission to visit France refused 351
    • reported French aggressions on territory of Liberia 289
    • requested discharge from French army, of Jean Pierre Arbios, an American citizen of French origin, refused 292, 293, 349, 350
    • treaty with certain native Liberian chiefs by which they cede their territories to France 271
    • unclaimed estates; laws relative to 278, 301
  • Flour: discriminating import duty on, in Brazil; complaint of American flour dealers 65
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  • Gallewski, Jacob. (See Germany.)
  • Gate City Guard of Atlanta, Ga.: permission to wear uniforms, and carry arras granted by Belgium 25, 29, 33
  • Germany: acquisition and loss of citizenship; decision concerning 386
    • case of Albert Bernhard, a naturalized American, charged with complicity in treasonable plots 389, 394
    • expulsion of naturalized Americans; case of Knud N. Knudsen, 375; cases of Karl S. Petersen, C. N. Hansen, and Lars Hoeck, 369; cases cited to controvert Germany’s position that she has right and has maintained it to expel before expiration of two years’ residence limit, 379; Germany’s contention as to right to expel 416
    • fine imposed upon Jacob Gallewski, a naturalized American, for evasion of military duty 397
    • importation of American plants; restrictions thereon, 383; restrictions removed 387, 388
    • limitation laws relating to attachments, fines, and other penalties for nonperformance of military duty 389, 392, 399
    • military service cases from November, 1885, to November, 1887; report on 402
    • ninetieth anniversary of the birth of Emperor William; President’s felicitations, 385; reply of Emperor 422
    • rights of Americans under Bancroft treaty of 1868 369, 419
    • speech of Emperor at opening of Reichstag 384
    • suitsi at law; right of Americans to litigate in forma pauperis. 399, 401
    • testimonials awarded by Emperor to families of a life sating crew who lost their lives in trying to save crew of a German vessel wrecked off Virginia 422, 423
  • Great Britain act to consolidate and amend law relating to fraudulent trademarks 546
    • conference of sugar-producing powers to be held at London 542, 544, 554, 555
    • conviction of George F. Anderson for swindling American citizens by obtaining money from them to prosecute fictitious estates claims 463, 467
    • fiftieth anniversary of the accession of Queen Victoria to the crown of Great Britain; felicitations of President and reply of Queen 478, 479, 545
    • fisheries: act to authorize President to protect and defend rights of American fishing vessels, American fishermen, and American trading and other vessels 466
    • ad interim arrangement proposed by United States, 424, 427, 454; reply of Great Britain, 468; observations on proposal by Canada, 471, 480; reply to Canadian observations, 480; reply communicated to foreign office 489
    • arrangement based on mutual concessions favored by Great Britain 447
    • arrangement between France and Great Britain concerning the Newfoundland fisheries 429
    • avowal of Canada to employ treaty of 1818 as an instrument of interference with open-sea fishing, and to construe it so as to allow Canadians to compete more advantageously in markets of the United States 461
    • Canadian interpretation of treaty of 1818 508
    • Canadian law putting burden of proof of illegality of seizures on claimants 445, 451, 452
    • case of the David J. Adams, 445, 451, 452; reply of Canada to representations of United States 502
    • case of the Molly Adams, 449, 450; reply of Canada to representations of United States 522
    • case of the A. R. Crittenden; Canadian report on 500
    • cases of the Julia Ellen, and Shiloh 454
    • case of the Marion Grimes; regret of Canada for action of customs officers in hauling down her flag 445, 451, 453, 496
    • cases of the Pearl Nelson, an Everett Steele, 454, 461; Canadian reports thereon. 497, 516, 517, 519
    • case of the Sarah H. Prior, 477, 501, 502; Canadian report on 521
    • case of the Laura Sayward; retraction by captain of truth of his affidavit of complaint, 540, 543; retraction obtained through intimidation 552
    • cases of the Laura Sayward and Jennie Seaverns; Canadian report on 535
    • convention for regulating the police of the North Sea fisheries 438
    • difficulties thrown in way of American fishermen in not being permitted to learn nature and extent of offenses charged against them 424
  • Great Britain: newspaper article from London Times 475
    • notice to British fishermen with respect to the exclusive fishery limits of France 450
    • position of United States 454
    • proposals made by United States in 1866 471
    • proposed retaliatory measures by United States; inquiry in Parliament relative to 462
    • questions asked in Parliament regarding a modus vivendi for settlement of dispute, 467; regarding rumored negotiation for armed cruisers by Canada 468
    • treaties between Great Britain and France relative to the Newfoundland fisheries 432
    • vessels involved in controversy with Canadian authorities 458, 530
    • protectorate established over the Somali coast 544, 545
    • Zululand declared to be a British possession 544
  • Guatemala: differences with Mexico. (See Mexico.)
    • suspension, of. constitution and assumption of dictatorship by President of, 127; approved by the Congress 555, 557


  • Hansen, C. N. (See Germany.)
  • Hatchdoorian, Alexander (See Citizenship.)
  • Hawaii: act to amend an act to encourage ocean telegraph cables 559
    • act to authorize a national loan. 559, 560
    • act to amend act to authorize a national loan 561
    • act to regulate the currency 562
    • commerce, immigration, and navigation report 573
    • composition of new cabinet 560
    • constitution of 574
    • embassy to Samoa appointed, 566; recalled 581
    • exports and imports 566, 570, 573
    • fiftieth anniversary of birth of King; felicitations of President and reply of King 564
    • national loan to be negotiated, 558,560; agents appointed to negotiate in London, 564; first installment of loan received from England 568
    • platform of the reform party 584
    • political disturbances in, 573; American interests must not be imperiled and obstruction to commerce must not be allowed thereby, 580; events leading to promulgation of new constitution 582
    • reciprocity treaty with the United States; supplementary convention to limit its duration; amendments thereto, 588, 589, 591; signed by King. 592
    • revenue of 567
    • speech of King on prorogation of Legislative Assembly 563
    • trade with the United States 573
    • treaty of political confederation with Samoa 569
    • visit of Queen to the United States 572, 587
  • Hayti: claims of A. Pelletier and A. H. Lazare. (See Claims.)
  • Henrietta, American schooner, seized and confiscated for fishing and trading in Russian waters 942, 945, 953, 954, 956, 957, 966
  • Hoeck, Lars. (See Germany.)


  • Indemnity granted to China for attack upon Chinese at Rock Springs, Wyo.: gratitude of China, 243; amount of claims found duplicated returned to United States 244
  • Industrial property convention: accession of United States thereto 362, 363, 1067
  • Italy: marriages of American citizens in; requirements of Italian law 637, 639, 640
    • privileges of shipping acts desired by, for reciprocal abolition of tonnage dues, 651; United States vessels not discriminated against in Italian ports, 652; Italian vessels admitted to privileges of shipping acts 653


  • Japan: differences with China growing out of Nagasaki riots settled 186
    • railroad materials; relative merit of American, English, and German; newspaper article on 663
    • railways in 659
    • revision of Treaties Conference 656, 665, 666
    • trade relations with the United States 655, 658, 662
    • trade statistics 660
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  • Laborers under contract: laws and Treasury circular prohibiting their importation. 647, 650
  • Laszlo, Charles. (See Citizenship.)
  • Lazare, A. H. (See Claims.)
  • Lekin tax in China. (See China.)
  • Liberia: election of President and Vice-President 667
    • reported French aggressions on the territory of 289
  • Lipszyc, Adolph, (See Russia.)
  • Liquors (spirituous): law agreed to by treaty powers to regulate their importation and sale in Siam 972974


  • Macao: protocol between China and Portugal relative to 218, 935
  • Mails, foreign: appeal of American merchants for their more prompt and speedy transmission by European countries 489
  • Marriages in Cuba and Porto Rico: royal decree making civil marriages valid 979
  • Marriages of Americans abroad, 36, 40; ceremony should be in strict accordance with law of place of celebration, 295; certification by United States officers abroad as to domiciliary laws of United States forbidden, 356359; circular forbidding diplomatic and consular officers to certify as to status of persons domiciled in United States and as to laws of States regarding marriage 1133
  • Marriages of Americans in France: requirements of French law 272, 287
  • Marriages of Belgian subjects in United States void in Belgium unless Belgian law is complied with 36, 40
  • Matriculation of foreigners in Mexico 672, 677, 681, 683, 684, 712, 717, 731
  • Mexico: abduction by Mexican soldiers of prisoners in custody of American authorities in Arizona 692, 698, 700.709, 710, 711, 713, 717, 719, 722, 723, 726, 728, 742, 871, 872
    • address of President at opening of Congress 702, 743
    • arrest and imprisonment in Mexico of A. K. Cutting, an American citizen, charged with publishing a libel in the United States against a Mexican; demand for indemnity and repeal of law purporting to confer jurisdiction on Mexican courts over offenses committed in United States against Mexicans751, 844, 849, 857
    • contract with Spanish Transatlantic Steamship Company 670, 687
    • decree extending time for completion of labors of commission to fix boundary between Mexico and Guatemela 735
    • differences with Guatemela; diplomatic relations suspended; good offices of United States requested by Guatemela, 129, Mexican troops ordered to frontier, 132, 133, 143; troops not sent to provoke collision, 132, 882; Mexico will not interfere in Guatemalan domestic affairs, 142, 146; protocol signed for settlement of differences, 145; diplomatic relations renewed, 147; congratulations of United States. 749, 750
    • discrimination against carrying trade of United States, 668, 678, 682, 683, 634, 690, 691, 698, 709, 711, 714, 715, 718,723, 729, 730, 736, 740, 741
    • disputed territory; alleged encroachments by collector at Sasabe, Ariz., in endeavoring to collect taxes on a ranch claimed to be in Mexico 873880
    • “extraterritorial jurisdiction and the Cutting case,” report on 757
    • extradition of M. R. Meyer, alias Charles Bourton, requested of Mexico. 868870
    • fines imposed by Mexican customs officials for trivial irregularities 720, 726, 737, 740
    • jurisdlsdiction over crimes against Mexicans committed in foreign countries; article 186 of the Mexican penal code, 856; review of Mexican arguments in its support 802
  • Mexico: matriculation of foreigners672, 677, 681, 683, 684, 712, 717, 731
    • property taken from United States troops while in pursuit of hostile Indians. (See Claim.)
    • treaty with Guatemala regulating the telegraph service. 733
  • Military service: case of J. C. Carlin, who deserted from a French ship and afterwards acquired American citizenship; permission to visit France refused 351
    • of Rev. J. T. Kommers in tie Netherlands 894, 897
    • cases in Germany from November, 1885, to November, 1887: report on 402
    • imposed on E. R. Connell, an American citizen in Bata via 897, 898
    • liability of naturalized citizens of Spanish birth on visiting Spain 998
  • Missionaries (American) in China: their maltreatment and destruction of their property at Chungking, 159166, 169, 176, 179, 180, 207; indemnity
    • granted therefor, 166; first installment paid 169
    • in Corea; enterprises inaugurated by them 258
    • in Persia; permission given them to build a hospital, 914, 915; interference by local ruler at Hamedan with children attending missionary schools, 916, 918; property owned by the missionaries and good accomplished by their work 919
    • in Turkey; interference with Rev. Mr. Herrick at Kastamouni, 1079, 1082, 1090, 1114, 1115; missionary schools not to be interfered with provided text-books, courses of study, and teachers’ diplomas are submitted for examination, 1083; memorandum In regard to schools, 1085; interference with colporteurs, 1089, 1090; obstacles interposed to the sale and circulation of books by the American Bible House, 1091, 1114, 1115, 1118, 1120; rights of missionaries discussed, 1094; their treaty rights, notes on, 1113; projected law relative to colporteurs, 1126, 1131; law with proposed amendments incorporated, 1128; memorandum on law. 1130
  • Moore, John B., Third Assistant Secretary of State, report by, on “extraterritorial crime and the Cutting case 757
  • Mundé, Mrs. Antonia. (See Citizenship.)


  • Naturalization: abuse of, by persons who seek American citizenship to escape laws of their native country 37
    • laws of Russia; their proposed modification, 955, 956, 964, 967; rules to be issued for granting permission to Russians to become citizens of foreign countries 957
    • treaty with Turkey; its effect upon American citizens of Turkish origin; legal opinion of Edwin Pears, barrister 1109
  • Netherlands: claims against estates of deceased persons; legislative history and proceedings of commission of liquidation 890
    • conscription law of. 895
    • fraudulent registration of the Devoe Manufacturing Company’s trademark in Java 898, 901, 903
    • free ports the Dutch East Indies, list of 906
    • jurisdiction of Dutch consular officers in the United States 890
    • military-service case of Rev. J. T. Kommers 894, 897
    • military service imposed on E, R Connell in Batavia. 897, 898
    • privileges of shipping acts desired by, for reciprocal abolition of tonnage dues, 905, 906, 908, 909; equal treatment accorded 906
    • revision of the constitution 886, 894, 896, 903
    • speech of King at opening of the States General 904
  • Neutrality of the United States: reported violation of, by combinations in Florida against the peace of Cuba 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029
  • New Caledonian convicts: reported intention to deport them to United States upon release, 302; intention denied 350
  • Nicaragua: bond issued by the “Walker government” in 1856 not a legitimate debt of the Republic 75
    • boundary dispute with Costa Rica. (See Boundary).


  • Opium: agreement between Great Britain and China fixing import and lekin tax on 182
    • agreement reached by commission at Hong-Kong for collection of opium irevenue 205
  • Opium: import duty on, in China, fixed at 30 taels pei chest and lekin tax at 80 taels per chest 187
    • legislation by Congress to enforce treaty of 1880 with China, 210; objections of China to third section/of law, 238, 242; objections answered, 211, 225, 231, 241, 243; opium law of the United States 237
    • storage of, by Americans in China and acceptance of commissions therefor held to be contrary to treaty of 1880 174, 186


  • Panama Canal: financial condition of 82
  • Passport: refused to Moritz Philipp Emden on ground that he has no intention to return to the United States to reside 1063, 1065
    • refused to Alexander Hatchdoorian, born in Turkey of a naturtilized American who has lived there since 1856 1126, 1131
    • refused to Henry E. Kern, who was naturalized before the required length of residence 1072
    • refused to Charles Laszlo, a naturalized American, on ground that he is domiciled in Hungary 20
    • refused to Mrs. Antonia Mundè, on ground that she is domiciled in Austria 23
    • refused to Charles G. Richter, claiming as an American citizen, in Belgium 3436
    • refused to Emil Stucker, who claims naturalization through his father 965, 967
    • regulation of Switzerland requiring citizens of the United States to renew their passports every two years, 1054, 1059; United States can not ask recognition of passports more than two years old 1060
    • regulations (new) for Americans visiting Cuba. 999
    • system of Cuba: inconveniences to which American citizens and shipping are subjected thereby, 975, 985, 991, 994, 995; its modification reported, 1002; exaction of passport as a condition to leaving the island, 1030, 1031; application of article 26 the Spanish consular tariff 1026, 1028
  • Passports: directions to diplomatic officers for securing uniformity in applications 1134
    • exacted by Portuguese consul at Boston of travelers to the Azores 935, 936, 937
  • Pears, Edwin, barrister at law: opinion as to effect of naturalization treaty with Turkey upon rights of American citizens of Turkish origin 1109
  • Pelletier, A. (See Claims.)
  • Persia: American houses establishing agencies should have agents from the United States 916, 918
    • concessions will be granted Americans who will engage in industrial or agricultural enterprises in 913
    • missionaries in. (See Missionaries.)
  • Pern: bequest of José Sevilla for the establishment of a benevolent institution for girls in New York City 925
    • registration of American citizens for purposes of taxation. 932, 933
    • repudiation of contracts of the Pierola and Iglesias governments with foreigners 920925, 926, 927, 934
  • Petersen, Karl S. (See Germany.)
  • Petroleum (American): discrimination against in Austria-Hungary 14, 1617, 18
    • trade of Russia 968
  • Pork (American): its exclusion from France 298
  • Port Hamilton evacuated by Great Britain and returned to Corea 254, 255
  • Portugal: proposed construction of a free port on the Tagus. 936
  • Prison conference (4th) to be held at St. Petersburg in 1890 970
  • Proclamation by President suspending collection of discriminating tonnage and port dues on vessels coming from the Netherlands and the Dutch East Indies 907
    • extending provisions of commercial agreement of October 27, 1886, with Spain to all Spanish possessions 1034
  • Proprietary rights convention and final protocol ratified by President 633
  • exchange of ratifications postponed 636
  • Protection by United States of foreigners in countries where their home government has no representation; scope and nature of such protection 10741078
  • Purcell, Archbishop. (See Debts.)


  • Railroads in the Argentine Republic 7
    • in China, opposition to, 182; line between Tientsin and Taku, opposition to its construction being overcome, 191; assent of Emperor obtained, 205; decree authorizing its construction, 208; American system admitted the best, 219; line to be built from Tamsui to Changhua 224
  • Railroads in Japan 659
  • Railroad supplies: competition in the Argentine Republic between American and other manufacturers 8
  • Richter, Charles G. (See Citizenship.)
  • Rights of foreigners in the country of a belligerent 1007, 1010, 1015
  • Russia: authentication of documents relating to property of Jews in Russian Poland denied by Russian minister unless evidence is shown that persons issuing them left Russia with permission 971
    • expatriation law 945
    • imprisonment of Albert Lipszyc, a naturalized American, charged with having emigrated without permission 943, 948, 956, 958, 965
    • imprisonment of Abraham Thiessen, a naturalized American, for having emigrated without permission 951
    • notice of order relative to commerce on Russian Pacific coast 953
    • prize law of 957
    • proposed modification of naturalization laws 955, 956, 957, 964, 967
    • petroleum trade of 968
    • rights of foreigners; imperial ukase relative to the acquisition and holding of property by foreigners 963
    • seizure and confiscation of the American schooner ELIza. (See Eliza.)
    • seizure and confiscation of the American schooner Henrietta. (See Henrietta.)


  • Salvador: discrimination against United States carrying trade, 133, 137; removed 138, 142, 742
    • law relating to citizenship and status of foreigners in, 70; exceptions taken by United States thereto, 78, 99; Salvadorian interpretation of law 94, 110
  • Samoa: treaty of political confederation with Hawaii 569
  • San Juan River: decree of Costa Rica relative to the navigation of 91
  • Sciences and industry: international exposition of, to be held in Brussels in 1888 36
  • Seamen (destitute) sent to United States by consul-general at Havana: formalities required by local authorities complained of 995
    • (shipwrecked and distressed) en route home from foreign ports not subject to tax prescribed by law of August 3, 1882 495, 496
  • Seilliere, Baron. (See France.)
  • Seizure and confiscation of the American schooner Eliza by Russia. (See Eliza.)
    • of the American schooner Henrietta. (See Henrietta.)
  • Sevilla, José: death of, in Peru, and bequest for the establishment of a benevolent institution for girls in New York City 925
  • Shanghai: commercial importance of 184
  • Siam: law agreed to by treaty powers to regulate the importation and sale of spirituous liquors 972974
  • Solomon Islands: their legal status regulated by imperial order 419, 421
  • Somali coast: protectorate over, established by Great Britain. 544, 545
  • Spain: alleged excessive tonnage dues levied on Spanish steamer Hernan Cortes at New Orleans 1023, 1024
    • commercial agreement extended to March 31, 1887, 982; to June 30, 1887, 984; to December 31, 1887, 997, 998; extension of its provisions to all Spanish possessions, 10311035; memorandum of agreement of September 21, 1887, 1034; proclamation by President “extending provisions of agreement to all Spanish possessions 1034
    • detention of British steamer Utopia at Malaga with cargo from New York 998, 999
    • military service, liability of naturalized Americans of Spanish birth on visiting Spain 998
    • tax on passengers arriving in United States in Spanish vessels; item in Spanish consular tariff relative to, 1026; operation of item explained 1028
  • Staples, Sarah A., American bark: differential duties imposed on, at Havana 992
  • Steamship line (American) between New York and Buenos Ayres proposed; subsidy granted by Argentine Republic;. 6, 9
    • (Spanish) between Aspinwall, New York, and New Orleans proposed 126
    • (Spanish) between San Francisco and Panama; modification of original contract by Salvador, 93, 98; contract with Guatemala, 119; with Salvador, 134; with Mexico 670, 687
  • Stucker, Emil. (See Citizenship.)
  • Submarine cables convention: approval of United States to explanatory protocol, and declaration requested, 272; United States minister authorized to sign same, subject to Senate’s approval, 274, 361; bill before Congress to carry convention into effect, 277; convention to go into effect October 1, 1887; 278; explanatory protocol and declaration signed by United States minister, 291; protocol to suspend operation of convention as regards States not having adopted requisite legislation to carry it into effect until such legislation is adopted may be signed by United States minister, 294, 366; objections to eighth section of bill before Congress to carry convention into effect, 299, 300, 363; necessity of legislation by United States, 341; modified protocol No. 2, 342; explanatory declaration of May 12, 1886, request that United States minister be instructed to sign, 360; protocol to fix definite date on which convention shall go into operation; United States minister can not sign until Congress has passed necessary legislation, 364, 366; convention to go into operation May 1, 1888; United States requested to take action to secure its observance 367
  • Subsidy granted by Argentine Republic to a proposed line of American steamera 6, 9
  • Sugar: international conference of sugar-producing powers to be held at London 542, 544, 554, 555
  • Suits at law: right of Americans to litigate in forma pauperis in Germany 399, 401
  • Sweden and Norway: claim under treaty of 1827 to same privileges for vessels from Sweden and Norway as arc granted to vessels from certain localities by shipping act of June 26, 1884 1038, 1053
    • import duty imposed on corn and cheese 1037
    • increased protection sentiment in 1036
    • tariff discussion in 1036
  • Switzerland: amendment favored by popular vote to constitution authorizing the Federal Assembly to enact a law for the protection of industrial property 1068
    • matters before the Federal Assembly 1065
    • protection by American representatives of Swiss citizens in countries where Switzerland has no representation; nature and scope of 10741078
    • socialists in; stringent measures to be taken against them 1064


  • Tax on passengers arriving in United States in Spanish vessels; item in consular tariff relating thereto, 1026; operation of item explained 1028
  • Telephone line between Brussels completed 29
  • Thiessen, Abraham. (See Russia and Paris.)
  • Trade of the Argentine Republic and the share of the United States therein 10
  • Trade-mark of the Devoe Manufacturing Company: fraudulent registration of, in Java 898, 901, 903
  • Trade-marks (British) in the Butch Indies 902
  • (fraudulent) British act relative to 546
  • Treaties: construction of Bancroft treaty of 1868 with Prussia, 369; treaty held to be applicable to Alsace-Lorraine, 394; construction of two-years’ residence clause 419
    • construction of treaty of 1880 with China 225, 238
    • construction of treaty of 1818 with Great Britain 424, 508
    • construction of treaty of 1827 with Sweden and Norway 10381053
    • supplementary convention to limit duration of reciprocity treaty with Hawaii 588, 589, 591, 592
  • Treaty between France and Belgium concerning the establishment of a telephone service between Paris and Brussels 30
    • between France and China, modifying treaty of commerce of April 25, 1886 232
    • between France; and certain native Liberian chiefs, by which the latter cede their territories to the former 271
    • between Great Britain and Brazil, respecting consular rights.
    • between the Independent State of the Congo and Tippoo Tib 38
    • between Mexico and Guatemala, regulating the telegraph service 733
    • between Nicaragua and Costa Rica, to submit to arbitration of President of United States boundary questions between the two countries 90
    • between Nicarauga and Costa Rica, settling boundary dispute 140
  • Treaty of peace, friendship, alliance, and commerce between Central America 100
    • of political confederation between Hawaii and Samoa 569
    • to regulate the police of the North Sea fisheries 438
  • Turkey: law regarding schools 1085


  • Will of José Sevilla, a naturalized American, who died in Peru, bequeathing a large sum for the establishment of a benevolent institution for girls in New York City 925


  • Zululand declared a British possession 544