No. 88.
Mr. Hall to
Mr. Bayard.
Guatemala, May 21, 1887. (Received June 7.)
Sir: With reference to my dispatch No. 648 of the 27th ultimo, announcing that the Nicaraguan Congress had ratified the convention between Nicaragua and Costa Rica to submit to the arbitration of the President of the United States their questions concerning boundaries, I have now to inform you that in the official newspaper of Costa Rica of the 10th instant, received to-day, is announced the ratification on the 9th of the same convention by the Congress of that State, thus setting at rest all doubts and speculations as to whether the convention will or will not be carried out. I communicated this information to you by a telegram to the effect that the arbitration boundary convention with Nicaragua had been ratified by the Congress of Costa Rica. The exchange of ratifications only is wanting to complete the convention. It is stipulated therein that the exchange shall be made on the 30th of June, or before, if possible.
I have, etc.,