No. 679.
Mr. Frey to Mr. Bayard.
Washington, October 24, 1887. (Received October 26.)
Mr. Secretary of State: Referring to the note which the Swiss chargé d’affaires ad interim at this capital had the honor to address to you on the 4th of July last, and by which he acknowledged the receipt [Page 1078] of your note of July 1 in relation to the protection of Swiss citizens by United States consuls in foreign countries, I have the honor to inform you that I have received instructions from my Government to convey to you its warmest thanks for your aforesaid note of July 1 and for the friendly sentiments therein expressed. Although the federal council is unable fully to share the view stated in your note with regard to the nature and scope of the relation between the protecting state and persons commended to its protection, it has nevertheless been glad to be informed, in a definite manner, by your note what your interpretation of the relation in question is.
While the federal council now considers this matter as settled, it desires to return its thanks for your kindness in expressing your willingness to authorize the consular representatives of the United States to use their good offices in future in behalf of Swiss citizens, of which kindness the federal council proposes to avail itself, if there shall be any necessity therefor.
I gladly avail, etc.,