No. 671.
Mr. Winchester to Mr. Bayard.

No. 137.]

Sir: Your No. 87, of May 11 ultimo, was received May 23. Therein you instructed this legation to transmit the ratification copy (said to be sent under separate cover) to the Swiss Government, with a note declaring that the United States accede to the union for the protection of industrial property, and that the date of said note of notification was to be regarded as the date of this accession. The ratification copy of the convention and final protocol of 1883, above referred to, did not reach this legation until the 30th of May. On that day it was transmitted to the Swiss Government, with accompanying note, pursuant to instructions.

Your No. 87 further requested that “after the acceptance of the same by the federal council you will please telegraph me the date of your note.” Accordingly an answer from the Swiss Government has been awaited. It was received this morning and at once the following telegram was sent to you: “Thirtieth, May accepted date accession industrial union.”

Inclosed please find a copy of the note from the Swiss Government.

I am, etc.,

Boyd Winchester.
[Page 1068]
[Inclosure in No. 137.—Translation.]

Sir: We have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 30th of May ultimo, in which you notify us of the accession of the United States to the union for the protection of industrial property, fixing the date of accession for the 30th of May ultimo. At the same time you submit to us a copy of the international convention of the 20th of March, 1883, for the protection of industrial property and its annexes, with a declaration of its ratification, signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary of State of the United States. We beg to inform you that we consider the notification as fully satisfying the conditions of article 16 of said convention for the accession of new states to the industrial property union. Will you please convey to your Government our high gratification to see so large an industrial country as the United States join the union and thereby giving it an additional importance.

The note addressed to us does not indicate the class to which the Government of the United States wishes to be assigned as to the contribution to the expenses of the international bureau. Considering the importance of the country we do not hesitate to place them in the first class.

We beg, Mr. Minister, to call the attention of your Government to the fact that the additional articles to the convention of the 20th March, 1883, and the regulations for the carrying out of said convention, which were made at Rome in May, 1886, by the delegates of the union, should be signed by the diplomatic representative of the contracting states near the Italian Government, and that the exchange of these ratifications should also take place at Rome. It would be convenient, therefore, that the representative of the United States in that city shall receive the necessary instructions and powers to that effect. We would beg your Government to communicate to us the address of the special service of industrial property, and central depot, provided for in article 12 of the convention, and with which the international bureau could enter into direct correspondence.

Will you please accept, etc., in the name of the Swiss Federal Council,

The President of the Confederation:

Chancellor of the Confederation: