No. 627.
Mr. Strobel to Mr. Bayard.

No. 271.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose a copy and translation of a note received from the ministry of state, reporting a modification of the Cuban passport system, which, as I learn from the Department 228 of October 20, 1887, just received, has already been communicated by the consulate-general at Havana. Identification is still necessary, and, as the order applies to American citizens, a man must of course prove himself a citizen in order to be relieved of the necessity of showing a passport. This looks very much like working in a circle.

In view of the persistence with which the legation verbally and in writing has pressed this question upon the attention of the Spanish Government the result is not entirely what was hoped for.

I have, etc.,

Edward H. Strobel.
[Inclosure in No. 271.]

Mr. Moret to Mr. Strobel.


My Dear Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the minister of the colonies, in accordance with the report of the corresponding department of the council of state, has issued the following regulations on the subject of passports in Cuba relative to citizens of the United States:

That American citizens can enter the island, of Cuba without passport, but identifying themselves with the documents referred to in article 4 of the law of July 4, 1870.
That those who are not inscribed in the register of transients, and have, resided in the island less than three months, can leave it by presenting the documents by virtue of which their entrance was authorized to the superior civil authority of the point of departure in order that he place his visa, after entering them in a special register.
That American citizens who have provided themselves with a certificate of being domiciled or transient may show this to the authorities for the purposes stated, in the former article.
That the entering and visa of the documents to which the preceding articles refer shall he made with celerity in ordinary cases, to avoid trouble, and in return for a moderate fee collected in stamped paper, or a corresponding stamp canceled in due form.

The preceding regulations adopted for the benefit of American citizens, and proving the interest with which Her Majesty’s Government tries, as far as possible, to meet the wishes of the Washington cabinet, have been already transmitted to the governor-general of Cuba for their exact performance, and while giving you the above information, in reply to the different notes which the legation has been good enongh to address me on the subject, I reiterate assurances of my highest consideration.

S. Moret.