No. 607.
Mr. Child to Mr. Bayard.

No. 40.]

Sir: It gives me pleasure to inclose a copy of translation of a letter from his excellency Phya Bhaskarawongse, acting minister for foreign flairs, in reply to a dispatch sent by me with extracts from your in struction No. 18, diplomatic series, under date July 1, 1887, in regard to the Siamese Government having left the United States put of the new law that is shortly to go into operation relating to the importation and sale of liquors, and in which he assures me that the proper correction has been made.

I have, etc.,

Jaoob T. Child.
[Inclosure in No. 40.—Translation.]

Phya Bhaskarawongse to Mr. Child.

Mr. Minister: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 16th instant, inclosing a dispatch from the honorable T. F. Bayard, and I beg leave to inform you that, in deference to the wishes of the United States Government, His Majesty’s Government, have determined to alter clause 4 of the new law relating to spirituos liquors by inserting therein after the word “Europe,” which occurs in the second line thereof, the words “or in the United States of America.” I trust that the, new law as thus altered in the particular direction which you notice in your letter will satisfy tie wishes of the United States Government, and I take this opportunity of tanking you for the courteous and friendly tone in which you have brought this matter under my notice, and of renewing to you the expression of the high consideration with which I have, etc.

Phya Bhaskarawongse.