No. 605.
Mr. Child to Mr. Bayard.

No. 25.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I have received a dispatch from His Royal Highness Prince Devawongse, minister for foreign affairs, inclosing a law agreed to by a committee of representatives of the treaty powers appointed for the purpose of regulating the importation and sale of spirituous liquors in Siam, a copy of which, together with a copy of the law,* is herewith transmitted. At present but little American liquor is sent to Siam, hence the duty will not materially effect our trade at present, but there is a demand springing up for the better class of whiskies and California wines that may result eventually in a large trade. In consultation with members of the consular body here, I find that it was agreed on their part that the new law should be put in force. Such being the case, I hope that you may grant the request of Prince Devawongse, that the law may become operative upon the 1st of September next, as suggested.

I have, etc.,

Jacob T. Child.
[Inclosure in No. 25.—Translation.]

Prince Devawongse to Mr. Child.

Mr. Minister: I have the honor to forward you herewith a printed copy of the new law (of 1249), for the regulation of the trade in spirituous liquors in Siam.

It will doubtless be in your recollection that in the month of January, 1885, a committee was appointed by the representatives of the treaty powers, to confer with the officials appointed by His Majesty’s Government respecting a draught of this law, which had been forwarded to them from this office in that same month.

That committee after conferring with the Siamese officials, made certain suggestions for the alteration of the draught law, which in other respects they were good enough to approve. All the suggestions made by the committee have been adopted, and the alterations proposed by them have been embodied in the law, of which a translation is now sent. His Majesty’s Government is happy to have been able in this instance to defer to the wishes of the treaty powers.

I trust that the law, as now amended and settled, will be acceptable to you as well as the representatives of the other powers interested, and that your Government will deign to agree upon an early date of enforcing the spirit convention of the 14th May, 1884.

I have therefore the honor to propose that such date shall not be later than the 1st of September, 1887.

With the assurance of my high consideration, etc.,

Devawongse Varoprakar.
  1. Not published.