No. 564.
Mr. Buck
to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States,
Lima, March 19, 1887. (Received April
No. 216.]
Sir: I herewith inclose copy of a note received on
the 9th instant from the foreign office, with a translation and a copy of my
The purpose of this request from the minister was to obtain information in
aid of the tax assessor or collector in carrying into effect a law of
contributions passed by the last Congress. Under this (in view of the
decentralization law which was finally enacted, placing the obligation on
the provinces and departments of their own support and management of their
fiscal affairs—see relative to said act my No. 142, of August 20, 1866),
among other things, a poll or head tax has been imposed.
I also inclose a copy of the decree of the sub-prefect of Lima, published
March 3, and translation. I think a note similar to that I inclose from the
foreign office has been sent to all the legations here.
I have, etc,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 216.]
Mr. Chacaltana to
Mr. Buck.
Ministry of Foreign Relations,
Lima, March 9,
Sir: Complying with a request mane to this
ministry by the prefect of this department, I take the liberty of asking
your excellency to be pleased to forward me one list of the citizens of
the nation which your excellency so worthily represents, who are
domiciled in this capital, specifying the name, age, profession, street,
and number of the house in which each one lives, including in it those
from twenty-five to sixty years old, and another list, including in it
those from seventeen to twenty-one years old, with the same
I avail, etc.,
[Page 933]
[Inclosure 2 in No. 216.]
Mr. Buck to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Lima, March 10,
No. 46.]
Sir: I received last evening your excellency’s
note of the same date, requesting one list of citizens of the United
States, resident in this capital, specifying the name, age, profession,
street, and number of the house inhabited of each, including those from
twenty-five to sixty years, and another of those from seventeen to
twenty-one years, with the same particulars.”
I have to reply, as the United States Government does not require
registry of its citizens, this legation is not in possession of the
information requested by your excellency.
With assurances that for all purposes contemplated by my commission and
instructions as understood by me, I am at your excellency’s disposition.
I renew, etc.,
[Inclosure 3 in No. 216.—Translation from
“El Comercio” of March 3, 1887.]
With all due formalities, the following decree has been published:
Julio Aguirre, sub-prefect and chief of police of Lima.
Whereas (1) The law of fiscal decentralization and the regulation
providing for the assessment and collection of the departmental taxes
having been enacted, it is proper to enforce them.
(2) It being ordered in articles 56 and 57 of the same regulation of the
20th December, of the year last passed, it is the duty of the
sub-prefect of the province to call all the inhabitants together for the
purpose of drawing up the registers, as well as to form the board which
is to provide for the same.
I decree:
- Article 1. All inhabitants of the
province over 17 and under 60 years are called on to present
themselves before the board of registration of their respective
districts, with all the data relating to the income from their
property, capital, or business, the list of the persons dwelling
in their house, close, or shop, within the peremptory term of
fifteen days, counted from this date; those violating this
provision being subject to the penalties mentioned in the said
- Article 2. The board of
registration, to which the said regulation refers, occupies one
of the rooms of the building assigned to the prefecture of the
department, and the boards of the other districts the buildings
of the respective administrations.
Given at the house of the sub-prefect at
Lima on this 3d day of March, 1887.
- Julio Aguiree.
- José Aniceio Romero,