Mr. Sevilla’s estate is estimated at between $4,000,000 and $5,000,000. He
bequeaths the sum of 500,000 silver soles for the establishment of a
benevolent institution in New York City, to be called the Sevilla Home for
Girls.” I inclose a translation of several of the clauses of the will taken
from “El Comereio.”
[Inclosure in No. 181,—From El Comercio of
December 20, 1886.—Translation of part only,]
Will of José Sevilla.
1. We believe it indispensable that the public be acquainted with the
will of the great Peruvian philanthropist, José Sevilla,. who after many
years of hard and honest labor, accumulated a fortune, of which he
bequeaths the greater part to benevolent institutions and works of
public interest.
* * * * * * *
2. Clause 3.—He declares that in the year 1884 he
made a will in the United States, in which he establishes a benevolent
institution in New York; he desires still that said institution be
established and named “The Sevilla Home for Children,” but not as
indicated in said will, but as determined in this one.
Clause 4.—Establishes the manner in which the
preceding institution shall be established and administered. In it will
“be received from fifty to one hundred poor girls. The representative of
Peru in the United States will have intervention in said institution.
Peruvian children to have the preference. He likewise indicates who are
to be the administrators, they being several heads of respectable
business houses and banks in New York.
Clause 5.—For the establishment and support of the
mentioned institution, he bequeaths the sum of 500,000 soles
Clause 6,—Makes recommendations and gives
instructions to his executors and the municipality of New York,
referring to said institution.
3. Clause 28.—Prohibits the intervention of the
Government or of the political authorities of Peru in the accomplishment
of the dispositions of his will; ordering that by the mere act of
oretending to do so, all that concerns the establishment of colleges,
Schools, and other institutions that he founds in Peru is thereby
annulled, and in that case, said legacies shall go over to the
philanthropic executors in New York, so that his wishes in that
reference be carried into effect there.
* * * * * * *
4. Clause 37.—Explains that the word soles that he employs should be understood to
mean silver soles; and further revokes all preceding wills, and
especially the one made at New York in the year 1884.
* * * * * * *
additional clauses.
5. Clause 4.—Ordains that if any of the legatees
oppose themselves or provoke obstacles in the execution of the will,
they shall lose their rights, and these are to go over to the Lima
Benevolent Society; and if this one should be in opposition, it shall
likewise lose its rights, and these are to pass over to the United
States legation at Lima, to be employed in benefit of the poor of New
Clause 5.—Indicates the manner in which his
executors and heirs shall pay the legacies, as they take partial or
entire possession of his fortune.
Clause 6.—Bequeaths the remnant of his fortune to
the Benevolent Society of Lima.
Clause 7.—Indicates the manner to proceed in cases
of doubt as to the accomplishment of his last wishes.