No. 554.
Mr. Bayard
to Mr. Pratt.
Washington, June 24, 1887.
Sir: I have received your No. 52 of May 4, 1887, concerning the letter of Dr. W. E. Alexander, physician to the American missionaries at Hamadon, complaining of the present local ruler, Mohammed Hossein Khan, over Armenians and Jews, interfering with the children of the latter attending missionary schools.
Your course in reference to the American missionaries in Persia, as narrated by you, is approved. On the general question of the rights of missionaries and of American citizens in oriental lands I have lately had occasion to instruct at full length our minister at Constantinople. These instructions will before long be placed in your hands and will serve to guide you, it may be, in your future action in relation to these important questions.
I am, etc.,