No. 50.
Mr. Trail
to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States,
Rio de
Janeiro, February 22, 1887.
(Received March 21.)
No. 73.]
Sir: Referring to myNo.71, of January 19th last, I
have now to transmit the written answer of the delegate of police of Santos
to the United States vice-consul in that city, in reply to a communication
from the latter to the police authorities, in which it was alleged that the
United States consulate in Santos had been stoned and damaged by certain
Brazilian subjects.
The explanation and apology of the police delegate are taken as “sufficient”
by Mr. Broad, our vice-consul at Santos. * * * A copy of the vice-consul’s
note to the consul-general, which accompanied the answer from the police
delegate to the vice-consul as sent me, is also inclosed.
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 73.]
Mr. Broad to Mr.
States Consulate,
Santos, February 17,
Sir: I beg to acknowledge receipt of your
dispatch dated 12th instant, and in reply to same state that I inclose
copy of the answer of the delegado de policia herewith received only
this morning, respecting the attack on the consulate on the night of
January 9th last. I think you will agree with me that the answer is
No mention of the outrage was made in any of the local papers,
consequently can send you no extract.
I have, etc.,
[Page 58]
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Chief of Police to Mr.
Office, Santos, February 15,
Illustrious Sir: Not before to-day have I been
able to reply to your higness’s communication concerning No. 76, which
you deigned to direct to me the 10th of January last.
After investigating the facts to which your highness refers in the
above-mentioned communication, I am fully convinced that there was no
disrepect to the nation of which your highness is the very worthy
representative in this city. The stoning was directed against the
merchant quartered on the ground floor of the house that your highness
occupies, and it was only by accident that some stones fell upon the
upper story referred to, a few going upon the shield of the
Some of the authors of this stoning, which, as I have said, was not
directed against the consulate, were suitably punished, and so I ask
your highness to deign to accept this explanation with which I hope to
conclude this very unfortunate event.
May your highness be pleased to accept, etc.,
Delegate of police:
Claudio Henrico dos