No. 418.
Mr. Taylor
to Mr. Bayard.
Monrovia, June 2, 1887. (Received July 12.)
Sir; The biennial election of officers for “this Republic” took place on the second Tuesday in May last past. The following officers were elected: Hon. H. R. W. Johnson, President; Hon. J. M. Thompson, Vice-President This is the third term for these officers. I learn that unusual excitement prevailed during the campaign; that all the voters of the Republic voted and the Republican partyled by Mr. Gibson attempted in every way to prove to the voters that the best interest of the Republic would be subserved by the election of the Republican nominees. The Whigs, however, won the day.
The entire vote of this Republic is only 2,475. In discussing Liberia’s future, I shall have the honor to refer to these figures again.
I am, sir, etc.,