No. 390.
Mr. Stallo
to Mr. Bayard.
Rome, May 6, 1887. (Received May 24.)
Sir: I have the honor to report that I have received the protocol of May 11, 1886, of the Union for the Protection of Industrial Property.
According to a resolution adopted by the international conference of the Union for the Protection of Industrial Property (see minutes of the session of May 11, 1886, page 170), the additional articles adopted by said conference were to be ratified and the ratifications were to be exchanged at Rome within a year. In conformity with this resolution, a meeting of the diplomatic representatives of the several States forming part of the union was to have been called by the Italian minister of foreign affairs before the 11th of May of the present year. But the minister now informs me that unforeseen difficulties have arisen, several of the contracting States declining for the moment to ratify the articles above mentioned, for reasons which will be stated at length in a circular shortly to be addressed by the Italian, foreign office to the several parties concerned, and that for this reason the meeting will have to be adjourned for some months at least.
I have, etc.,