No. 376.
Mr. Merrill to Mr. Bayard.
Honolulu, August 25, 1887. (Received September 10.)
Sir: Availing myself of the opportunity afforded by the mail steamer Alameda, due here to-morrow from Australia en route to San Frandsco, I have the honor to inform you that matters pertaining to the political [Page 585] situation in Hawaii remain quiet, and business, in all its branches, is moving along in its accustomed channels, yet generally the merchants complain of “dull times,” while hoping for more activity after the election, which occurs on September 12.
The election for nobles and representatives has been called much earlier than was anticipated at the time of the departure of the last mail for San Francisco, for the reason, as alleged, that it is desirable, on account of business interests generally, to have the complexion 01 the legislature under the new constitution determined at an early date.
On the 18th instant the Reform party, comprising those who were instrumental in effecting the recent constitutional and ministerial changes, held their first convention, composed of delegates from nine wards, into which this city is divided for political purposes, and nominated candidates for nobles for the island of Oahu and representatives for the district of Honolulu.
The nominees comprise persons of various nationalities, including those of American, British, German, and Hawaiian birth.
The nine candidates for the House of Hobles for the island of Oahu are generally considered to be fair representatives of the business interests of the community. So far as I am able to ascertain, the Reform party’s candidates for the Legislature throughout the Kingdom are generally men identified with the business interests and welfare of the Kingdom.
I inclose a copy of the platform adopted by the convention of the Reform party in Honolulu.
As yet there seems to be no well-organized opposition, although public meetings, composed principally of native Hawaiians, have been held in Honolulu and opposition candidates have been named for the Legislature without promulgating any party platform or declaration of principles.
It is the general impression that the Reform party will succeed in electing a majority of the Legislature.
I have, etc.,