No. 370.
Mr. Merrill to Mr. Bayard.
Honolulu, May 2, 1887. (Received May 24.)
Sir: I have the honor to inclose copies of the Annual Report* of the collector-general of customs relative to the imports, exports, immigration, and navigation of the Hawaiian Islands for the year ending December 31, 1886.
The report shows that the total value of the export and import trade of these islands for the year 1886 amounted to the sum of $15,335,024.31, exceeding that of 1885 by $2,428,906.
It is gratifying to call attention to the fact that of the total export and import trade of these islands for 1886 the United States has received $14,414,751, or 94 per cent, of the total value, being an increase of 2 per cent, over that of 1885.
Of the total export trade of the islands, amounting to $10,457,285.58, the United States has received $10,412,827.47, while of the total import trade, amounting to $4,877,738.73, there has been received from the United States imports of the value of $4,001,923.83.
The duties also show that during the year 1886 American vessels have carried 76 per cent, of the domestic exports of the islands and 71 per cent, of the value of the total exports and imports. I have, etc,
- Report not published.↩