No. 368.
Mr. Merrill to Mr. Bayard.

No. 114.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose three copies of the quarterly report of the collector-general of customs, published, in the Daily Advertiser [Page 571] of this city, showing the principal domestic exports of the Hawaiian Islands for the quarter ending March 31,1887.

I have, etc.,

Geo. W. Merrill.
[Inclosure in No. 114.]

custom-house returns.

We have been permitted by his excellency the jninister of finance to publish the quarterly report of the collector-general of customs, which is as follows:

His Excellency Paul P. Kanoa,
His Majesty’s Minister of Finance:

Sir: I have the honor to submit to your excellency the table of the principal domestic exports of the Hawaiian Islands for the quarter ending March 31, 1887.

The total value of the exports during the quarter just ended amounted to $2,930,358, being a decrease in the value of such exports during the corresponding period of 1888 by 1,426,687.

With the highest respect and esteem, I have the honor to be, your excellency’s very obedient, humble servant,

Jno. M. Kapena

Quantities and values of the principal domestic exports, Hawaiian Islands, for the quarter ending March 31, 1887, by customs districts.

Articles. Honolulu. Kahnlui.
Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value.
Sugar pounds 57,202,471 $2,370,756.96 7,067,912 $329,353.35
Molasses gallons 21,415 3,815.00
Rice pounds 2,288,400 94,123.41
Coffee do 1,500 276,00
Bananas bunches 12,931 12,139.75
Goat-skins pieces 3,247 1,630.45
Hides do 6,777 23,442.00 523 2,029.48
Betel leaves boxes 94 515.00
Sheep skins pieces 1,800 177.00
Awa pieces 1,626.50
Sundries pounds 1,626.50
Total Values 2,508,502.07 331,382.83
Articles. Hilo. Total.
Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value.
Sugar pounds 2,016.462 $88,733.00 66,286,845 $2.788.843.31
Molasses gallons 21,415 3,815.00
Rice pounds 2,288,400 94,123,41
Coffee do 1,500 276.00
Bananas bunches 12,931 12,139.75
Goat-skins pieces 3,247 1,630.45
Hides do 272 798.05 7,572 26,269.53
Betel leaves boxes 94 515.00
Sheep skins pieces 1,800 177.00
Awa pieces 1,936 236.82 1,936 236.82
Sundries pounds 705.82 2,332.32
Total value 99,473.79 2,930,358.69
[Page 572]

Domestic exports, Hawaiian Islands, first quarter, 1886, compared with first quarter, 1886.

Articles. 1887. 1886. Increase. Decrease.
Sugar pounds 66,288,845 67,975,279 1,688,434
Molasses gallons 21,415 15,288 6,127
Rice pounds 2,288,400 1,447,550 840,850
Coffee do 1,500 3,864 2,364
Bananas bunches 12,931 13,402 471
Goat-skins pieces 3,247 3,238 9
Hides do 7,572 6,392 1,180
Tallow pounds 1,885 15,885
Wool do 73,380 73,180
Betel Leaves boxes 94 130 36
Sheep skins pieces 1,800 3,110 1,310
Awa pounds 1,936 865 1,071

E. and O. E.

Jno. M. Kapena,