[Inclosure No.
The Marquis of
Salisbury to Sir L.
Foreign Office, July 2, 1887.
Sir: You are aware that in consequence of
the recommendation made in 1880 by the select committee of the House
of Commons on sugar industries “that Her Majesty’s Government should
invite the sugar-producing powers to a conference with a view of
arriving at a common understanding for the suppression of bounties
on a basis of manufacturing and refining under excise supervision,
the question of equivalents for this system not being precluded from
consideration, an invitation was addressed to the Governments of
Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, and Holland, inviting them
[Page 543]
to take part in an
international conference for the purpose of considering the sugar
question, with a view, if possible, so to arrange the collection of
duties as to avoid or reduce to the lowest possible limits anything
in the nature of a bounty on exported sugar. The proposal, however,
of Her Majesty’s Government was not favorably entertained by the
Governments of the countries interested in the question, and
although four years later, in 1885, the Government of Belgium
endeavored to promote a conference to improve the condition of the
sagar interests, their efforts were also unsuccessful, and no action
has since been taken in the direction of convoking an international
conference upon the sugar question.
The questions, however, affecting the sugar industry in 1887 remain
practically what they were in 1880, and Her Majesty’s Government
consider that the reasons for a conference which were valid then are
at the present time of even greater weight. Before addressing a
formal invitation to the Governments interested, Her Majesty’s
Government have taken steps to ascertain the views of the
Governments of those countries in which the bounty system most
extensively prevails. Her Majesty’s Government have been glad to
learn that the objections on the part of certain Governments which
existed in 1881 appear no longer to exist, and that the powers
chiefly interested are not indisposed to take part in an
international conference, provided that some indication is given of
the questions connected with the sugar industry which their
delegates would be called upon to discuss. In the opinion of Her
Majesty’s Government, the attention of the conference should be
devoted to the following points:
- 1.
- What steps, if any, can be taken for the removal of causes
of disturbance of the sugar producing and refining industry,
so far as they are due to the action of Governments;
- 2.
- Whether it would be practicable for the various
Governments to agree to manufacture and refine sugar in
bond; or
- 3.
- Whether a common system can be agreed upon for correlating
duties and drawbacks according to the various methods of
levying duties on the roots, canes, juice, etc., so that one
system of correlation shall be the equivalent of the
- 4.
- And generally to discuss any proposals with the object of
inducing all Governments interested to give up the
In making these suggestions as to the scope of the conference Her
Majesty’s Government have no wish to exclude the consideration of
any further point which the Governments interested may consider it
advantageous to discuss, their object in proposing the meeting of
the conference being to effect a final settlement of this long
outstanding and intricate question.
I have accordingly to request that you will address a formal
invitation to the Government to take part in a conference in London
upon the above mentioned bases; and you will add that, in the
interests of the sugar industry, Her Majesty’s Government attach
great importance to an early decision being arrived at upon the
You are authorized to leave a copy of this dispatch with the minister
for foreign affairs.
I am, etc.,