No. 320.
Mr. Phelps
to Mr. Bayard.
London, July 9, 1887. (Received July 19.)
Sir: Referring to your instruction numbered 629, of May 27 last, I have the honor to acquaint you that I asked an audience of the Queen through Her Majesty’s principal secretary of state for foreign affairs, for the purpose of presenting the President’s letter of congratulation upon the completion of the fiftieth year of her reign.
The Queen received me in private audience at Buckingham Palace on Monday, June 20, and in handing her the President’s letter I took occasion to assure Her Majesty of the cordial good-will of the American people towards her personally. And I expressed the pleasure 1 felt at being intrusted with the transmission of a communication in the sentiments of which I so heartily concurred.
The Queen in reply expressed the high gratification with which she received the letter of the President, and her appreciation of the great kindness of feeling always shown her by my countrymen.
I presume that an answer will be sent by Her Majesty to the President through the usual channel in due course.
I have, etc.,