No. 314.
Mr. White
to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States,
London, March 23, 1887.
(Received April 4.)
No. 472.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith for your
information copies of questions asked in the House of Commons yesterday and
the day before with regard to our difficulty with Canada respecting the
fisheries, together with the answers made to the same by the under secretary
of state for foreign affairs.
According to one of these answers it would seem that the British Government’s
reply on the subject of a modus vivendi must soon be
in our hands.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 472.]
north american fisheries.
March 21,
Parliamentary proceedings, March 21, 1887.
Mr. Gourley asked the under secretary for
foreign affairs whether he could in “form the House of the nature of the
dispatch received from the Dominion Government suggesting a modus vivendi for a settlement of the
Anglo-American fisheries dispute, and when he anticipated that further
promised correspondence would be in the hands, of members; and whether
the prohibition of the sale of bait to United States fishermen in
Newfoundland (while permitted to French fishermen) was in harmony with
“the most favored nation” clause of foreign treaties.
Sir J. Fergusson. Her Majesty’s Government will
be desirous of informing-the House of the course of negotiations with
the Government of the United States upon the fisheries dispute as soon
as possible, I hope to lay on the table the dispatch now being addressed
to the United States Government before the Easter recess. I hope
[Page 468]
the House will excuse me from
entering upon the questions affecting the Newfoundland fisheries in a
fragmentary manner. Her Majesty’s Government will he careful to observe
their international obligations, while having due regard to the
interests of her Majesty’s subjects. (From the Times, March 22,
[Inclosure 2 in No. 472.]
the canadian fisheries dispute.
[March 22, 1887]
Parliamentary Proceedings, March 22, 1887.]
Mr. Goukley asked the under secretary of state
of foreign affairs whether there was any truth in the statement that the
Canadian Government is negotiating for the purchase of armed cruisers
for the purpose of enforcing the Anglo-American Fisheries Convention of
1818, as interpreted by the Dominion Government; and, if so, whether the
proposed proceedings have the sanction of Her Majesty’s Government.
Sir J. Fergusson. I only saw the question on
entering the House, and I beg to submit to the House that a somewhat
longer notice of such questions should be given than even one night.
[Hear!] No information on the subject has reached the foreign office,
and the-secretary of state for the colonies informs me that he has not
heard of it. I may add that the purchase of cruisers is a matter within
the discretion of the Canadian Government. (From the Times, March 23,