No. 294.
Mr. von Alvensleben to Mr. Bayard.

Mr. Secretary of State: I have the honor, in obedience to instructions received, herewith to send you the reply of His Majesty the Emperor and King to the congratulatory letter addressed to His Majesty by the President of the United States on the occasion of the anniversary of His Majesty’s birth. I also inclose a copy of this communication, which I most respectfully beg you to transmit to its destination.

Accept, Mr. Secretary of State, a renewed assurance of my most distinguished consideration.

H. V. Alvensleben.

Emperor William to the President.

We, William, by the grace of God German Emperor, King of Prussia, etc., to the President of the United States of America.

Great and Good Friend: I have received, with the deepest gratification, the congratulations, on attaining my ninetieth birthday, which you sent me under date of the 11th ultimo. In returning to you, Mr. President, my warmest thanks for your words of kindness and cordiality on this occasion, I express my sincere satisfaction on account of the amicable relations which exist between Germany and the United States, and beg you to rest assured that I entertain the best wishes for the happiness and prosperity of your country.

I gladly avail myself, at the same time, of this occasion to reiterate to you the assurance of my distinguished consideration.
