No. 29.
Mr. Tree to Mr. Bayard.

No. 201.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose you herewith an unsealed letter addressed to the President of the United States, which I forward at the request of the president and officers of the “Cercle artistique littéraire et scientifique” of Antwerp, the official and oldest society of painters and sculptors in Belgium. It is a letter of thanks to the President, signed by the president and professors of the School of Fine Arts, by the officers of the “Cercle,” and by the prominent artists and members, expressing their thanks and gratitude to the President for the recommendations contained in his last annual message to Congress for the abolition of duties on works of art.

I have, etc.,

Lambert Tree.
[Inclosure in No. 201.]

To His Excellency Grover Cleveland,
President of the United States of America:

Sir: The artists forming the section of the plastic arts of the “Cercle Artistique” of Antwerp desire to transmit to you their warmest felicitations and their recognition of your wishes, expressed to the Senate of the United States of America, regarding the abolition of the duties on works of art, which have since many years seriously interfered with the importation of foreign sculpture and paintings.

[Page 33]

The productions of the European art world have always been received with marked favor in America, and the question of their free introduction is one which will find an echo in all the artistic centers of Europe.

We, particularly, as representatives of the Flemish school, desire to seed to you our sincere thanks, and trust that Congress will consider the great importance of the movement which you have initiated.

The removal of the present prohibitive laws would be an impetus to a new art movement in general, and tend to mutual benefit and progression in the friendly struggle between nation and nation.

We have the honor to be, your obedient servants,

  • Frans Van Kuyck, President.
  • Grovins.
  • P. Nerhaert.

E. De Yans, Charles Verlat, Hendrick Schaefels, David Cob, Joseph Van Luppen, Sortielge, Walter Sanford, U. S. A., L. Van Engelen, Frans van Luppen, Henry Rut, Frans Gony, Floren Waudurvay, Frik Hanno, Jos. Naurdens, E. Faraoyns, Louis Pupuis, Georges Geefe, Eng. Gufz, Alphonse Peeters, Alfons Bogaerts, Jérant Portiége, N. Van Wallerschoag, André Plumot. A. N. Lathourser, Ed. Moerenhaut, H. Zimmerman, Ed. Chappel, H. Hoeber, D. Dunnaert, Jos. Bellmans, N. Detheyser, Thos. Lamosinier, T. Dyckmans, E. W. Boks, P. Vander Ouderal, Castcl Ebert, U. S. A.; C. Corp, Jans Janssen, Louis Dericks, Eng. Siberd, Emile Velin, Hdrik Vanderbroecht, Theophile J. Grooff, Louis Sp. Maillure, G. B. Vander Veken, Pierre Vasslissderz, A. De Keyser, Thior. Virstrirete, Robert Fabie, Théodore Cleynhens, Emile Thulens, Fyniette, Edward Portiege, and C. Y. Bovin, Secretaries.