No. 254.
Mr. McLane
to Mr. Bayard.
Paris, July 20, 1887. (Received August 1.)
Sir: I have to-day sent you a telegram, announcing that the prefect of police, in pursuance of the provision of the law of 1838, had ordered the release of Baron Seillière, after full examination of his present condition.
As I advised in my former dispatches, the private insane asylums in France are, by the law of 1838, placed under the supervision of the prefect of police, and, when Baron Seillière was first confined, the prefect of police reported to the minister of the interior that he was then certainly insane, and that he would be dangerous to the community and to himself if at liberty. Meanwhile, under the provision of the law of 1838, a judicial proceeding was instituted for his release by the guardian of his children. The court refused to release him, but his condition had greatly improved, and the prefect of police was induced to make another examination, aided by the physician of the public asylums, the result of which was his release yesterday afternoon.
I am very glad that I have your approval of the manner in which I have carried out your instructions in this case;
I have etc.,