Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, For the Year 1887, Transmitted to Congress, With a Message of the President, June 26, 1888
No. 199.
Mr. King
to Mr. Bayard.
Bogota, September 11, 1886. (Received October 6.)
Sir: I have the honor to inclose herein for your information a copy and translation of a recent law of the Federal Congress here, relative to the claims of foreigners for losses sustained during the late rebellion.
I have, etc.,
Copy and translation of law 10, of August 31, 1836, regarding claims of foreigners for losses during the rebellion.
Article 1.
All claims presented by foreigners against the Government of the Republic, for loans, supplies, expropriations, or damages arising out of the late rebellion, shall be considered by the executive department, consequently, the executive power, through the medium of the minister of foreign relations, shall decide in each case according to the rules established by common law and the law of nations.
Article 2.
Whenever the acts that constitute the basis of a claim appear doubtful and the claimant shall not be satisfied with the estimate made thereof, he may appeal to the law courts for a decision thereon.
Article 3.
The nation shall not be absolutely responsible for the damages and exactions suffered by foreigners on account of rebels.
Article 4.
The alien and neutral character of the claimant shall in each case be determined before his claim is considered. The status of the foreigner shall be determined according to the constitution in force at the time the acts were committed which gave rise to the claim.
Article 5.
In order to establish his neutrality, the claimant shall present duly authenticated certificates from the respective civil authorities, and in default of such certificate a statement to that effect, duly attested, and obtained with the concurrence of the public ministry.
Article 6.
Foreigners who shall have forfoited their neutral character are not included in the provisions of this law. The condition of neutrality of each individual claimant shall be determined according to the proofs required by the preceding article.
[Page 246]Article 7.
The right of foreigners to present claims under this law shall cease from and after one year from its promulgation. This period shall not he extended, and shall apply to minors, to women, to absentees, and to all other persons privileged thereunder.
Article 8.
The law presumes that all contracts are fictitious which were concluded between foreigners and disaffected citizens subsequently to the promulgation of the resolution issued by the secretary of foreign relations on the 13th of February, 1885, in conformity with Article 12 of the civil code. Unless the contrary be proven, no claim based on such contracts shall be included within the provisions of this law.
Article 9.
The documentary evidence of claims shall contain sufficient proof of the following facts:
The alien and neutral character of the claimant; the origin and amount of the claim; the dates and places of the loans, supplies, expropriations or damages, and the name of the chief or authority sanctioning the same; the title or proof of ownership in the claimant at the time the supplies, expropriations, damages, etc., were furnished or incurred.
Article 10.
All sums awarded to foreigners shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of the executive decree of the 19th of August, 1885, on the subject. Paragraph. A certificate from the minister of foreign relations shall be a sufficient warrant to authorize the payment of a claim.
Article 11.
The examination of all claims that may have been presented to the minister of foreign relations before the promulgation of this law may continue, provided the formalities herein prescribed have been complied with, otherwise the said claims must be preferred anew.
Article 12.
The period of the rebellion shall be reckoned, for the purposes of this law, from the 18th day of September, 1884, to the 30th day of September, 1886.
Article 13.
The provisions of this law shall not interfere with any stipulations that may have been concluded in treaties or public conventions.
Article 14.
For the proper discharge of the business arising from the claims referred to in this law a special section shall be created in the ministry of foreign relations, which shall continue during the time necessary to accomplish said business.
Article 15.
The new section shall be composed, and the members thereof shall be compensated as follows:
One chief clerk, with $3,000 annually; one deputy clerk, with $1,800 annually; one first officer, with $1,500 annually; one second officer, with $1,000 annually.
Article 16.
The executive power is fully authorized to determine the manner and to make such provisions therefor as may be necessary.
Article 17.
All laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.