No. 188.
Mr. Denby
to Mr. Bayard.
Peking, August 26, 1887. (Received October 10.)
Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 408, of date the 16th of July ultimo, wherein I forwarded to the Department a list of the official candidates who had been declared eligible for appointment to travel abroad [Page 236] for the period of two years under the system recently inaugurated by the Chinese Government, I now have the honor to hand you, inclosed, a list giving the names of those who have been selected by the Emperor to go to foreign countries this year. I understand that these officers will leave the capital in about a month to proceed on their respective journeys.
Mr. Fa Yün Lung and Mr. Ku Lon Kún, as you will observe, have been appointed to travel in Japan, the United States, British colonial possessions of North America, and Cuba. These gentlemen are of literary standing, the former a student of the Imperial Academy, and the latter a metropolitan graduate, or about the same as an LL. D. I have not, as yet, had the pleasure of meeting them, but I understand they are worthy representatives of the official class.
I take the liberty of bespeaking in their behalf a cordial welcome to our country, and to express the hope that every opportunity will be afforded them during their sojourn in the United States of seeing all and being made acquainted with every branch and phase of American industries.
I have, etc.,